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"Sky, you'll be with Jax." Mrs. Burmings announced aloud.

Being with Jax Terrell for a media project was surely something that was not in ny bucket list. All the girls in the room gave me death stares in an instant while my best friend, Jesslyn, smirked at me and I rolled my eyes in response. Soon, Jax moved his seat across me and it took me by surprise. I never knew that a guy like him would know me. His wavy brown hair was unkempt and it was probably an inch away from his eyes. His deep cerulean eyes were looking straight into my brown ones and his jaw was tightly closed.

"So, any suggestions for the topic?" He asked.

"I'm actually fine with anything." I shrugged.

"You sure about that?"


"Okay then. Is cars okay with you?"

My heart skipped a beat.

I gulped, "The movie?"

Jax burst out laughing, "Oh god no. Like real life cars."

Another beat was skipped but I could not take back my words. I told him that I was fine with any topic that he will choose and it was a mistake. I should not have said that at the first place if I knew that Jax will choose cars. But then again, I was in no position to take back my words.

"Sure." I replied, trying to sound normal when there was actually a lump on my throat.

His pale pink lips broke into a smile and told me that we should start planning on what to put in the video. It was too late to back out and I started to question Mrs. Burmings arragement. The moment I saw his handwriting I told him that I'll write instead of him. His handwriting was unreadable in every way possible. We were sitting across each other and I felt his burning gaze on me that me uncomfortable. Jax literally had so many ideas on what to put in a three minutes video and I silently thought that it would not fit. I did not even know how we would make the project. It took me by surprise too on the fact that he was actually very passionate about this task and he was a literal car junkie. He was someone who I used to be and that somehow scares me a lot. Being partnered up with him felt like I just signed a deal with the devil but I could not blame him, he had no clue about the past.

I made my own devil.

Soon, the school bell rang and I rushed out of class, leaving Jax to file those papers. Jesslyn grabbed my wrist from the back and gave me a look.

"How does it feels? Being teamed up with my cousin?" She asked, her blue eyes glimmering slyly and her straight light brown hair was resting perfectly on her shoulders.

"Felt like I made a deal with the devil." I groaned as we both walk to our next class.

Jesslyn arched an eyebrow at me, "Why? 'Cause all the other girls are probably gonna hate you because you're Jax's partner?"

I shook my head. I never give a single thought on how people think of me in this school. Most of us had known each other since we were kids so we have seen each other's embarrassing phases though mine wasn't that bad. It wasn't like we live in a small town either, we live in Chicago. I never knew why our school's population never really skyrocketed despite the fact that the basketball team is well known.

"The topic is about cars." I mumbled and Jesslyn stopped walking abruptly.

"Oh my god. What year do you live in, Sky?"


"Jax's a drag race racer."

This time, it was my turn to stopped walking in the middle of the school's busy hallway.

"No." I said in denial and shock.

That was something that I least expected. I mentally face palmed myself and the urge to run back to my apartment was getting bigger and bigger by the second.

"This is why you should care about what's going on with the students here." Jesslyn pointed, sorry lacing her tone.

"Care about what?" Someone said from behind, surprising me.

I spun my heel to see who it was but instead, I bumped onto someone. Thank God it wasn't that hard.

"Sorry." I mumbled and took a step backward to see clearly who it was.

Speak of the devil, it was Jax. His sea blue eyes were filled curiosity and his tall build was hovering over me.

"About nothing." Jesslyn stated and I noticed that they both have the same shade of blue in their eyes, the type of blue that you would see when looking to the deep, vast sea. The only difference was that Jesslyn's bright orbs were hiding behind her cat-eye framed glasses.

It was kind of silly of me that I just realized this now and Jesslyn's words of me needing to be more aware with what's going on with the peers here started to make more sense.

"Right," Jax said flatly and averted his eyes to me, "Where do you live?"

"Downtown." I answered carefully.

"Are you free tonight?" He asked again.

"I guess so," I replied casually, "Why?"

"Be ready at eight thirty."

"For?" But it was too late, Jax had walked away and left my question hanging in the air, "Well that's annoying." I muttered.

In a matter of an hour, I've figured out that doing this project with Jax would have a lot of unexpected turns that I would certainly hate and I spent the rest of the day thinking if I should go beg Mrs. Burmings to change my partner.

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