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The school bell rung and I weaved through the small crowd that was heading towards the class' door, making way for myself. I immediately headed to the school's canteen but then my mind backtracked to Jax's text. I groaned internally while trying to decide if I should go to the janitor's closet or continue my walk to lunch with my mind set that he was setting up a scandalous prank for me. I was already starving. Jax could somehow wait after I buy my lunch, I see no harm in that.

"Figured that you would not go to the designated place." A voice said from behind, startling me.

I spun around just to find Jax standing in front of me with his arms crossed over his broad chest, his indicolite orbs boring into my brown ones with a spark of challenge and his lips were tightly sealed after the words left his mouth.

"Would do anything to postpone your masterplan." I replied instantly.

"What?" He asked and laughed lightly, "I may be reckless but I wasn't planning any pranks on you. Yet. I was planning to make it up to you for last night."

I arched an eyebrow, "Are you trying to apologize to me?"

He scratched the back of his neck, "Yeah, you could say that."

His words took me by surprise. The thought of Jax apologizing had never ever crossed my mind. He never apologized. People would say that his mind was as tough as a diamond and his ego was beyond human understanding but then here he was, standing across me in the busy hallway, trying to apologize.

I shrugged, "It's no biggie. You didn't know it anyways."

"True," He replied and I resisted myself from rolling my eyes, "But I took it too far."

"Wouldn't argue with that." I answered monotonously.

"So, as an act of apology," And I could see him cringing when he said the word, "I'm gonna treat you lunch."

"Did Jesslyn forced you to do this? Though I would love to get a free lunch."

"She may or may not have played a part. Well then, let's go." And he started walking away from the school's canteen, leaving me with questions.

I caught up with him, "The canteen's the other way."

Jax chuckled deeply and shook his head, "We're not eating there."

"So where are we going to eat?" I asked as I tailed him.

"Always asking questions much?" He countered.

"What's wrong with that?" I snapped.

"Woah take it easy girl. We're going to a diner, my friend's already there so let's hustle."

"We're going to be back on time right?"

He let out a long sigh, clearly showing me that he was annoyed with my endless unnecessary curiosity. I wasn't always like this though. "Who says we're going back to school?"

"So we're not?"

"Are you really that dumb?" He snapped at me and that caught me off guard.

I felt like I've been slapped on my face. Regret started to bottle up inside. Seemed like some news just travelled fast in this school. I was aware that I was sliding into failure, but I could not be bothered by it. My life took a toll on me and adjusting to my new life was not something that could be done in an instant.

"Oh wow, what a nice way to say right after you attempted to apologize." I retaliated and started to walk back to the canteen, ignoring his calls from behind.

Him calling my name loudly in the busy hallway would literally catch a lot of attention. I ducked my head and dialed Jesslyn's number as I tried my best to walk as fast as I could without bumping anyone. But I was not fast enough. Someone from behind grabbed my wrist and it was certainly a no brainer thar it was Jax. I muttered profanities under my breath in an instant before taking a deep breath and faced him, even his presence screamed IRRITATING.

"What?" I snapped, looking straight into his azurine eyes, throwing daggers.

"I didn't mean to offend your grades." He stated monotonously and I swear if I was a volcano, I would totally produce the biggest eruption.

"Okay. Are you gonna let me go now?" I asked.

I was starting to feel uncomfortable with the fact that he was still holding my wrist. As silly as it may seemed, I needed space. My mind has the ability to wander on its own to the darkest parts of my memory and Jax's action somehow triggered a specific occurrence that I was not willing to go back into. Jax immediately let go of me the moment I questioned him and I thought I was free from his apology attempt but I thought wrong. Instead, he forced me to still go with him for lunch and ditch the rest of the school day. To say that I had a choice would be a lie, he was very persistent and I was not in the mood to put up a petty argument. Not that I could do it anyways, winning an argument is just something that I was never good at and it's the part of me that did not change even after what happened. I was still lost in this big world. People said that being a teenager would mean that we're trying to find ourselves, who we are. I was sure about who I was back then, a car junkie who was planning to take automotive engineering at University of Bayreuth. But everything changed in two snaps of a finger. Two big snaps, to be precise.

And I could feel the third snap making its way to my life.

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