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I was not in the mood for talking for the rest of the night. I could sense Jax's frustration and guilt from afar but I could not care less. He went too far. He tried to talk to me but I shut him out by plugging my earphones onto my ears and blasted some songs all the way to the car junkyard. Along the way, I caught him looking at me, his eyes were full of the words that he wanted to say to me, his knuckles were white and his jaw was tight. The night took a wrong turn unexpectedly for sure. It did not take us long to reach our destination as my apartment was already at downtown Chicago. When we arrived, I took out my earphones and slipped it into the pocket of my pants before getting out of his black 2019 Audi Q5. The air between us was still and tense. We walked towards the tall, solid silver metal gate. It was obvious that it was closed, judging by the chains that was hung around the holes on the two-piece gate and the lock in the middle of it.

"Uh, do you by any chance bring a bobby pin?" He asked while his hand was running through his mousse brown hair and I swear it looked so soft, as if he just went for a hair treatment.

I looked at him straight to his deep blue eyes and handed him what he asked for. The pin was warm, as it was blanketed in the pocket of my thick jeans.

"Thanks." He said and I hummed in response before he start to pick the rusted golden lock.

In a matter of seconds, Jax managed to unlock the lock illegally and started to untie the chains that were keeping the two gates together. As he was untying the chains, I took a step forward and helped him out, not wanting him to do all the work while I just stood there prentending not to know what was happening. That's totally a move that Stephie would do. Soon, the long chain dropped to the ground, producing a loud thump and Jax pushed one of the gates, just enough for us to slip inside. It wasn't the first time I went to a car junkyard and it was not the second either. A wave of deja vu washed through my veins as I looked at the stacks and line ups of cars in front of me. The Sky eight months ago would totally be jumping around the moment she sees the view. But I was not her. Vivid fragments of memories started flashing one by one in my mind, playing as if it happened yesterday when it actually happened a year ago. I was physically present there, I could feel Jax's presence, standing right beside me but my mind was wandering on its own, trying to find another exit from the area. My breathing was suddenly rapid, my eyes were stinging, telling me that tears would fall any minute if I do not distract myself.

"Come on, let's try to find a dope car." Jax said, breaking my walk through memory lane, "Wouldn't want to stand here all night, do we?"

I tilted my head and faced him before nodding curtly. The moment he saw my response and started walking with me, who was slowly calming down, tailing behind him. Suddenly, as if God answered his prayers, a Ferrari 458 Speciale was parked on the corner of the fifth lane. It showed off its bright red color under the yellow street lights that was scattere around the junkyard. And as if God gave a gift, the key was hanging on the rear-view mirror, screaming "take me".

"Well aren't we lucky tonight." I mumbled under my breath.

Jax tilted his head towards my direction, I was obviously shorter than him, so he basically looked down to me.

"Let's take it for a drive." He stated, his mazarine eyes sparkled in mischief and excitement while I was in lost of words.

I opened my mouth to reply but nothing came out. My lips were dry in an instant, a pang of uneasiness clashed on me.

"Are you speechless?" He asked and my mind was dragged back to the present.

"No. You go take it for a drive. I'll wait." I replied, my voice was thick and my heart was thumping loudly.

"Scared?" Jax challenged.

My walls were then higher than the sky, "No. I'm being rational. You drive, I'll take the video."

"If you say so." And he ran towards the red car, his true blue eyes were set on the prize whilst I took my phone out, ready to record his moves, doing anything to distract my mind from going back to a specific memory.

This is going to be a long night.


I was awakened by the ringing of my phone. My eyes fluttered opened as I grabbed my phone from the wooden table and answered the call.

"I'm here." Jesslyn greeted and I jolted out of my bed.

"Oh crap. Give me ten minutes." I replied in an instant and ended the call before Jesslyn preached me like an old hag.

I rushed towards the bathroom and quickly brushed my teeth and washed my face. I skipped back towards my room and changed into an oversized hoodie and a pair of light washed skinny jeans before tying my hair up into a messy ponytail. I grabbed my backpack and slung it over my shoulders and shoved my phone into the pocket of my jeans before running down the flight of stairs to catch my ride to school.

I spotted Jesslyn's navy blue retro sedan in her usual parking spot and I speed-walked towards the shotgun. "Morning." I greeted, smiling innocently, pretending to not realize that I forgot to set an alarm yesterday.

"Thank heavens your apartment is close to our school." Jesslyn commented and started the ignition, "Jax called me yesterday."

I buckled the seatbelt and tilted my head to the left to see Jesslyn who was focusing her vision on the road, "So?"

"He was fussing over the fact that he pissed you off because of his immaturity on the parents joke he kept joking about earlier last night. And was half blaming me for not telling him first." She explained and I stared at her blankly.

"Yeah well, can't blame him either. He didn't know. Heck, only you and him know now. Oh and Amanda."

"You never make appointments with Amanda these days."

"Figured out that it's kinda useless."

"Sky." Jesslyn warned and I cut her off.

"Before you say anything, know that I feel that you're a way better therapist than her."

Jesslyn chuckled, "I'm a high school student, Sky. Not a shrink."

"Yeah well Amanda is one but doesn't really act like one."

Jesslyn hummed in response, "If you say so."

We let silence fill the air as we were on the way. Just as I was about to get off Jesslyn's car, my phone vibrated, telling me that there was a text. I took out my phone and closed the door.

Jax: Meet me in front of the janitor's closet near mrs. burmingham's class at lunch.

"Who's that from?" Jesslyn questioned.

"No one. Just an ad." I lied as we walked to class, with me trying to predict what Jax wanted.

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