Chapter 4:New Fate

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8:10 PM- Narae's house

I entered the house and found a note from our house maid:

"I had to leave home early today, there was an emergency at home. Love you and don't open the door to any strangers."

I put the note down and head up to my room for a little nap. But I couldn't fall asleep so I just laid there staring at the ceiling.

As I lay down on my bed, I felt like a new person and not in a bad way but in a good way. I was smiling like an idiot, replaying what had happened. I was just so proud of myself.

I tightly hug myself and decided to go shower and cook me something delicious to eat since it was still 8.

After I ate I turned on the TV and watched some night news because I was that bored. There was a story on the news about this kid who suicide because he was bullied at school. I cried so much because I understood the pain he went through. I cried for his family and I hope those heartless jerks now understands but it is always to late when they finally understand they went too far.

9:30 PM

Most nights I would stay up to wait for my parents, hoping that they had come home from their business trip. But I end up falling asleep most of the time. But tonight I was too tired and moody to even care about my parents. I mean why should I care about them when they hardly come home and the last time I saw them was the end of Junior year.

That night I cried myself to sleep for no apparent reason, but maybe because I feel alone tonight in this big house.

I dreamed of Yong Guk. Don't ask me why I was dreaming of him but I just was.

He cupped my face with his strong hands and pulled me in for a kiss, the weirdest part was that I did not struggle or anything. His lips were soft as it pressed against mine getting more aggressive by the second.His tongue slipped in through my mouth and met with mine as they dance inside our mouth, our lips became one. Could this new me give me a new fate?

Love that Grows from Hate (A B.A.P Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now