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Hi guys! Just a short note to say; this is my first story on here and I really hope you guys like it! Vote, comment and fan and all that stuff? you know how! and I'll love you foreverrrr!

Feel free to message me whenever aswell I'm open to any critisisms or praise, of course! Thankyouuu! ... Jennyyxoxo


“FUCK. It is so cold!” I cursed to myself, walking to the train station from my friends house. I’d been to stay the weekend and one of my best friends houses, although I hardly ever see her because we live so far apart. Living far apart sucks, but the two hour train journey on my own is worse by far.

I like trains, and I like being on my own, but not if it means I’m going to get sat next to by some freaky old guy. Or an over talkative child or middle aged woman or some evil old witch that thinks all teenagers are going to mug her at the next given chance…I really don’t like having to make contact with people I don’t know. I put my headphones in and chose a band from the 30 or so options I had on my phone. Not being able to make up I mind I just flicked back to the ‘All Artists’ tab and pressed play on shuffle so whatever played was random. The first track to play was Vengeance by Woe, Is Me. I love this song so much, about 15 seconds in the guitarist makes a gun-cocking sound, it has to be one of the best sounds in the world, in my opinion anyway. 

             It’s summer soon the weather has been so nice in the last few weeks compared to winter, so I was just wearing a hoodie today rather than a coat which I hadn’t even bothered taking with me this weekend. You could say that was stupid but its one less thing to lug around all day getting back home.

Robyn, the friend who I’d been staying with rang me just as I turned onto the road the station is on.

“HEY! I‘m just calling to say you didn‘t forget anything, surprisingly this time you remembered your phone charger and everything.” she laughed to herself  for a while. This was the first time id never forgotten anything when I left.

“Oh Robyn, you are such a joker. You’ll miss me soon enough though, I promise.” I retaliated in a smug voice.

“Shut up, you. Did you get to the station okay? Your train leaves in like, a minute…. I really hope you aren’t going to say you‘ve missed it.” She joked at first then went serious when she said about missing the train. I looked at the time on my phone and stopped walking out of shock.

“SHIT. I‘M GUNNA  MISS THE FUCKING TRAIN!  Robyn, you know I love you and all, and you‘re by far one of my favourite people in the world but I‘m going to have to hang up on you and run like hell to catch this train. I’ll ring you back when I‘m there and tell you whether I missed it or not….wish me luck! LOVE YOU!” I spoke loudly as I mentally prepared myself to run as fast as possible to the station. 

“Okay, good luck! Speak in a bit.” we hung up our phones and I broke out into a full speed run. I sprinted all the way to the station and got there just as the train was about to close up.

“NO, WAIT!!!” I shouted as I ran up to the train conductor who was about to close the last door. He looked up shocked and slightly irritated and sighed.

“I’m sorry Miss, there aren’t any seats left on any of the carriages. We’re completely full.” I gave him a ‘what the fuck, bro’ look and stopped in front of him.

“WHAT! What do you mean ‘no seats’?! I‘ll stand! I have to get on this train!” I was furious and had without noticing was leaning right up to him to push him aside.

“There is no standing space either. I’m sorry, but you really cannot get this train.” he finished his sentence sternly and pushed my hand away from the doorway as the doors closed.

I can’t believe this. How the hell am I supposed to get home. I’m going to be so screwed.

I walked over to the benched and sat down, dumping my bag next to me so no one else could sit there. Pulling out my phone, I sighed heavily and cursed the train conductor under my breath whilst dialling Robyn‘s number. She answered on the third ring and I spoke before she had the chance.

“I fucking missed it. I got here, right as they were closing the doors and the conductor wouldn‘t let me on. Oh my god. I am so livid.” 

“You’re kidding me? I cant believe this, the one time you don’t forget anything you miss the train?! Why wouldn’t he let you on? Surely there were seats…there always is. Have you checked the timetables to see when the next arrival is?” She sounded so annoyed. But helpful as always.

“He gave me some crappy excuse about there being completely no space at all, even to stand! And no I haven’t yet but I can see the display screen from here, give me a sec I‘ll see what it says when the right timetable comes up.” I sighed and stared at the large screen on the other side of the platform waiting for the screens to change for the correct timetable. It was taking forever. Or at least felt like that long anyway until the one I needed came up.

“The right one just came up, I’m reading it now… sooo the train I missed was at 7:15pm and the next one is…” I stopped to read down the list and to give Robyn a chance to speak.

“Well, When is it? I sure hope it’s soon becau-…” I cut her off mid sentence and raged at myself.

“THAT WAS THE LAST TRAIN! THEY’RE ALL CANCELLED AFTER THAT. I cannot believe this, for fucks sake. Can I come back to yours? Maybe they’ll be running again tomorrow?..” I hate being this angry, for some reason it always makes me want to cry. She sighed on the other end of the phone before she spoke.

“That‘s what I was going to say before you cut me off, you can’t stay here tonight cause my dad is taking me and my sister out to see family, up in Leeds. I‘m so sorry, I didn’t know the trains were going to be cancelled like that.” I could honestly nearly start crying right now if there weren’t other people around. I’m stuck here, with no where to go…fucking brilliant.

“it’s alright Robyn I’ll try and find another way home, okay? I’ll got ask at the reception desk. Maybe they can help. I’ll talk to you later, have a good day with the family, hahaha!” I laughed slightly. I know she hates family visits as much as I do. “Love you mate, bye!”

“okay Jay, I’m so sorry though that I can’t help. Text me later? Love you too, bye!”

“Aight, and it’s okay, it’s my fault for being late! Bye!”

I hung up and started walking to the customer services reception which was on the other side of the platform, so I had to walk over the bridge to get there.


So, what did you guys think? Whats the  verdict, eh? Let me know! xoxo

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