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"She's loosing blood! and fast!" a nurse yells once the baby was removed from Faith's stomach. the beeping of the heart monitor accompanied the noise the nurses were making rushing around trying to keep Faith and her baby alive.

"there's something blocking it's airways!" the nurse frantically trying to get the baby to breath yells. the beeps change into a deafening screech

"we're loosing her!"

--Hours earlier--Daniel's POV--

"it's amazing how fast time has gone by" i say focusing my eyes on the road

"yea, and to think the baby is due in a couple of days, on Jonah's birthday as well" Faith replies smiling in the passenger seat.

"that means we'll finally be able to have our wedding and you'll officially be know as Mrs. Seavey" i couldn't help the grin that crept onto my lips. i can't wait for Faith to officially be my wife. the love of my live, officially my wife.

"Daniel it's-" before she could finish her sentence, a car came crashing into the passenger side at the intersection and her scream filled my ears. i was fine, i wasn't hurt but Faith was. there was a graze on her forehead, she was out cold, blood covered her arm, stomach, leg. she had little scratches all over her body and some cuts from the chattered glass.

i undo my seat belt and try and help her, i touched her side cover in blood and she flinch, a piece of glass was lodged into her side. my heart began beating faster, she wasn't responding, i called for help. tears came flowing, streaming down my cheeks, i nearly lost her once, i can't loose her again. i could barely move, my heart is racing, my hands are shaking, my vision was blurred from the tears. Faith and the baby could die and it's because of me, because i wasn't paying attention to the road. some men near by came to help, a woman called 911 as we tried to figure out what to do.

i can't loose her or the baby... i don't care if the baby isn't mine, i love it because faith loves it and it'd hers.

i'm not going to loose either of the... i just can't...


it's out!

okay, i know it's short but this is sorta just like the backstory, a bit of history. the chapters will be longer i promise and sorry this is emotional and Amber, sorry if i made you cry but it's pay back bitch (sorry, i just really want to say that but your book has made me cry like 8 TIMES! so it's payback if u did cry. i kinda hope you did cry... okay i swear i'm not a bad friend or sister, this is normal)

the photo up top is of Faith, she died her hair back to it's natural colour by the way. third book in and i'm finally finding what the main character looks like.

hope you like it, Vote and comment, tell what you like, tell me what you hate.


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