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--Faith's POV--

i woke up with the sun beaming down on my face through the crack in the window. from my waist down, my body was aching from Daniel's touch. not for Daniel's touch, from Daniel's touch. i go to turn on my side to see Daniel but wince in pain the second i move my legs.

"you okay? how you feeling?" Daniel asks turning to look at me, i could see how worried look

"in pain from my waist down" i reply just turning my head, he pecks my lips

"i'm sorry" he frowns

"its worth it" i smile and pecks his lips "you defiantly held back the first time"

"you were scared then, now i just want to give you the best time possible" a smile grows on his face as well.

"i'm gonna shower" a state and go to move again, once again wincing

"let me help you" he sits up and scoops me up in his arms, he walks into the bathroom placing me down in the shower. after we shower and dried, i put on some makeup, ran my brush through my hair and change.

Daniel walks out the door before me, it hurts to walk and i'm feeling lazy so i jump on his back

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Daniel walks out the door before me, it hurts to walk and i'm feeling lazy so i jump on his back. he walks down the stairs and i jump off his back at the bottom, almost falling over. "there, more proof to my point" Christina says to Corbyn motioning towards Daniel and I.

"no, i don't believe it" Corbyn says in disbelief, but to what?

"what more proof do you need?" Skye questions

"no way, i hardly heard anything" Corbyn states

"every women has their secret talents" Samantha smirks

"what are you talking about?" Daniel questions as we walk over to Hope

"those three have an argument with Corbyn" Logan states

"wow really? i couldn't tell" i say sarcastically

"the girls think you had-" Jacks starts but was cut off by Jonah

"Daniel, we need to get them from the airport" Jonah state, Daniel nods and grab two car keys throwing one to Jonah. random fact, we have many different cars: my car, the boy's shared car, the other girls shared car, the van, the Yeti and the cool bus. yes, Logan still has those cars after 5 years, don't ask how we have the cool bus or how that thing is legal because, i have no idea.

-- time skip to when Jonah and Daniel come back from airport--

i sat on the couch with Hope in my arms when the opened meaning Jonah and Daniel are back. i stood up and walked into the kitchen greeting them all, i'm not going to lie, i'm a bit nervous and they don't know how i connived the child, they know i was raped but they think the child is Daniel's.

"hey mom" i smile and use my free hand to hug her along with the rest of mine and Daniel's family.

"what's here name?" Keri asks as Daniel places his hand on my hip and kisses my cheek

"Hope Jayla Seavey" i reply with a smile

"that's a beautiful name" Anna states

"can i hold her?" mom asks

"of course" i smile and hand Hope to her, she smile down at her granddaughter in her hands, i turn to Daniel and peck his lips.

"where did you get Jayla?" Esther asks

"we wanted something that started with J for Jonah and James fits in there as well and Jayla just came to mind" i explain with a shrug.

"while we're in the same room we could figure out a few things for the wedding" Daniel states catching everyone's attention. "Jonah, best man?"

"of course"

"i don't know weather the maid of honer should be Sam or Esther"

"you take it Sam, i don't really want to walk down the isle with my brother" Esther states making me laugh

"then Esther you will be the first bridesmaid and the other Mona and Christina?"

"sounds good"

"i'm fine with that"


"Tyler, Zach and Corbyn grooms men?"




"Anna, could you take care of Hope and like hold the rings?" 

"of course"

"Mona, could Missy be the flower girl and invite your family"

"should would love that and i'm sure they will come, i'll go call them"

"so tomorrow morning Daniel, you chose who you want besides the men that actually need fittings to go with you in the morning. in the afternoon all you girls want to come with me?"

everyone agrees to the plan, god this is coming up so fast it's nerve wrecking but so existing, we've been waiting for months to get married and it's finally happening, it seems so surreal.


i know it's kinda boring but i just need to get things out the way, the next few chapter get more interesting. today i was trying to say to a friend that reads this that the girls gang up on Corbyn but it came out at "the girl gang up on Corgen" yep, that happened. unfortunately i need to go back to studying for a science test tomorrow, it's the first week back and i already have a test!

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