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--Jonah's POV--

i sit in the uncomfortable chair in the hospital room. the only noise was confirming she was still alive, the heart monitor she was hooked up to. i found it easier to sit at a distance and watch over Faith hoping for her to wake up, miracles don't come on command. it's easier to watch from a distance rather then be so close t her that i could tough her when i can't.

"Jonah" i looked back to see my beautiful girlfriend standing in the doorway, wearing a small, apologetic smile. she walks up to me and kisses my cheek, "you and the boys have a meeting to get to, you and Daniel both stay home tonight, relax and have a night with the guys. Mona and i are here first, us girl will watch her and tell you if anything happens, you and Daniel need a day with the guy"s

"i don't want to leave her, the worst birthdays are without her" i state looking back at Faith, Samantha cups my cheek making me look at her

"i know it hurts Jonah, but you need to take the night off, have fun with the Lads, go distract yourselves, you and Daniel both need this"

"it's not a proper birthday with out her, without you"

"i'll come back tonight, i'll stay for a bit then you hang with the lads, okay?"

"okay but call me at any sign of anything"

"don't worry, i will" she places a quick kiss on my lips "you go get ready, you have a meeting to get to" i stand up and walk out, passing Mona on my way out of the hospital. it's my 24th birthday, the day the baby was due and Faith is still in a Coma like she has been the past few days.

when i get home, i shower and change, all black like every day -easy pick. this meeting was for WDW, Logan P. and Faith Marais, all signed to Atlantic records. Elanor stood in for Faith as they were aware of her current position and we used Faith's meeting room for this, not the greatest of things at this point.

"in a couple of months, Why Don't We, Logan P. and Faith Marais will be going on a international tour" the man states, yea this is exciting news but Faith might die before then, she might still be in a Coma.

"i'm not leaving here if Faith is still in a Coma" i say at the same time as Daniel says "i'm not leaving without Faith"

"boys, we know this is hard but you have to go, it might have to be a WDW and Logan P. tour, the tickets are coming out next month"

"Faith would love to do this and she would want you to go, this is a huge opertunity, you need to take it" Elanor states

"we'll leave you to discus it among yourselves" and the men leave as Elanor takes us into an area with couches and stuff. some of the guys sit down on the couches, i look are and spot a picture, it was of me, Daniel, Sam and Faith. 

Faith had jumped on Daniel and he fell, he was laying on the floor in front of us, propped up on his elbow, Faith crouching by his head clenching her stomach from laughing. i had my arm wrapped around Sam stopping her from falling because she was laughing too much, i was laughing myself.

i pick up the picture, a small smile taking over my lips. we tried so many times to get that photo wright, it never did. "That's her favorite" Elanor inform cutting me off from my thoughts, Daniel comes up beside me and look at the picture.

a small smile grown on his face and a little laugh escapes his lips, i'm guessing at the memory. Faith and Samantha are the 2 most important girls in my life, they have always been there for me and i love them with all my heart. Samantha stays calm around me, she won't cry or remind me about Faith's condition, just that she is fine and alive. when we go on the tour, i could be leaving both of them behind.

"boys, this will be mine and Faith first international tour-" Logan starts but Daniel cuts him off

"Faith might not be able to come, she could still be in a coma... or worse" Daniel states

"trust me, i don't want to leave Faith as much as the next person but we have to take this opportunity" 

"tickets go on sale next month, we can't disappoint the Limelights" Jacks says

"we know how hard this is but at the point we just have to hope Faith will be able to come with us, faith will be on our side" Corbyn says, adding a little faith joke in there but with all seriousness.

"if Faith does wake up in time then the whole house can go, if not myself and the girls will stay back for Faith, she would want you to take this opportunity, with or without her" Elanor informs

"if she was here right now she would be practically kicking your asses on that tour" Zach states, it's true though, she would want us to go on the to.

"she would force us to go on this tour" i say my thoughts out loud

"she would be disappointed in you not taking this opportunity" Elanor states

"i just hate the idea of leaving her and the baby" Daniel sighs

"you would get any information at first hearing of it and update you everyday" Elanor states

"we have to go... it's what Faith would want" i put back the picture agreeing to go "i'll go.. For Faith"

"for Faith..." Daniel repeats


okay, it's getting a bit better, their going on tour, that's exciting! yes i called Logan Paul Logan P. don't judge, i probably wrote that in the middle of the night, it's what i feel like saying so that's what you get.

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