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-- Faith's POV--

i grip Daniel's arm as we walk into the room to get our baby, i can't wait to find out the gender and see our baby. the nurse that led us into the room and came back moments later holding a baby swaddled up in a beige blanket.

"congratulations, it's a girl" she smile sweetly handing me my baby girl. she has tiny strands of blonde hair on her head -Aaron's blonde- chubby cheeks, no freckles and a slight smile in her tiny lips.

"she has her mothers eyes" Daniel smiles looking down at her "and nose" he lightly kisses her nose then mine.

"she's beautiful" i smile holding her in my arms, i think back to what Daniel told me yesterday. i need your help raising out little Mason Jamie Seavey or our little girl we don't have a name for. i heard his voice say, then it said, i guess, all i can do is hope...

"i have a name" i announce looking up at Daniel


Daniel and i walk though the front door, i hide behind him holding onto our little girl. i couldn't see a thing but i could hear everything clearly. "why did you tell us not to go?" Jonah asks

"i think we could all use a break from that place, some more then others" i knew he meant me saying that.

"hows Faith and the baby?" Samantha asks

"we're doing great thanks" i smile coming out from behind Daniel, gasps and cheers filled the room, there was a lot of 'i'm so glad your okay' and things like that.

"so what's the gender?" Samantha asks

"we have a beautiful baby girl" Daniel replies smiling down at her.

"told you!" Samantha points at Jonah, i laugh

"what's her name?" Mona asks

"well if it was a boy he would be called..." i trail off looking at Daniel telling him to speak

"Mason Jamie Seavey, Mason for Marais and Jamie in honer of Jonah and James ties in" Daniel explains

"i've found a name for her that has just as much meaning" i state

"this inter time all we've done is hope" Daniel informs

"so we've decided to call her, Hope Jayla Seavey, sticking with the J for Jonah" i announce smiling down at the sleeping girl in my arms.

"that's beautiful" Christina states

"you know this means we have to go shopping for the girl" Skye announces, i giggle

"hold her for me could ya daddy?" i say passing Hope to Daniel, he groans and takes her. i forgot about his little daddy kink, i might use it to my advantage, not that it was my original intent. i kiss his cheek and get a hug from everyone, i've missed spontaneous hugs.

"does Hope had Godparents?" Alysha asks

"Samantha and Jonah?" it comes out more as i question

"we'd be honored" Jonah says while Samantha shout "yass!"

"Shh, Samantha, Hope's sleeping" i scold her

"sorry" she whisper, i laugh and hug her

"when will our parents meet her?" Jonah asks, i open my mouth to answer with 'i don't know' but Daniel has other ideas

"their coming tomorrow along with the rest of your family and mine" Daniel replies, okay, i'm up for it.

"we have something to show you" Jonah announces, he leads me up the stairs and we stop outside the office door, which is next to mine and Daniel's room. he opens the door reveal that it was no longer a office, there was a cradle in the corner, a rocking chair in the other with a love sac next to that. there was a book shelf, a couple sets of draws and shelves around the place. there was pictures of all of us and our families, baby albums to be filled, it's perfect.

"guys, this is amazing" i smile

"we all chipped in, our present to you, Daniel and Hope" Corbyn informs

"this is more then i ever could ask for" Daniel passes Hope to Samantha and takes my hands in his

"our families are here for a week, in the week, could of officially become Mrs. Seavey?" he asks

"yes Daniel, i will" i smile and kiss him

"we've got a lot of shopping to do" Samantha states sending a giggle though all of us.


i called this book 'Hope' for 2 reason's.

1) everyone was hoping that they would be okay

2) the baby's name was always going to be hope

fun fact: when i first wrote the first book with no intent f publishing it, Faith's name was Hope and now she has a baby called hope.

i hope you like it, i really am just trying to get in as many chapters as i can.

vote and comment, tell me what you like and don't.


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