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--Faith's POV--

i had no idea this group would be this big, but i want everyone to be with me at this moment. i nervous leaving Hope behind but all the boys are there and Skye and Alysha stayed home seeing how nervous i was. i never thought that i would be this nervous about getting a dress, a dress i wear one time, on the most important day in my life. wait, wouldn't the most important day in you life be the day you were born? (actually thought right there)

"want to stop at a cafe?" mom asks we all agree and turn into a small cafe taking a seat at a table that fit all of us. we get a drink and snack before we start talking honestly we talked about the most random thing, Keri and mom fit in perfectly with our random thought.  we finish and walk towards the bridal store, we have already brought the bridesmaid dresses.

we walked into the store, butterflies erupting in my stomach, i look around the white room, there was a desk with a lady behind it and us. a doorway led into another room, i could see dresses, couches and people. "can i help you" the lady asks snapping me out of my trance

"a booking for Faith Marais" my mom replies, thank god for her.

"follow me" a woman comes though the door way and leads us into the large room. "so, who's the bride?" she asks

"that would be me" i state, i could hear the nervousness in my voice

"it's fine to be nervous, it's a normal reaction" she smiles sweetly "what kind of dress are you looking for?"

"a mix of modern and traditional"

"something that really says her" Samantha adds, making me smile. we begin looking, everyone giving me options to try on.

after what felt like hours of searching and trying on dresses, it was getting annoying. Keri holds up one for me to try on, it's beautiful off the shoulder and shorts sleeves, i take it to try on. i stand looking in the mirror, i love it. the dress highlights my curves, complements my skin tone and is just me. i think i've found the one. sorry Danny, your being replaced by a dress.

i walk out of the room with a smile on my face, i step up onto the thing holding the dress away from my feet. smile's formed on my families faces as their eyes scanned over me in this wedding dress. "sweetie, you look gorges" mum smiles

"absolutely stunning" Keri grins

"it screams you" Samantha and Mona say at the some time


"perfect" she smiles as me


"they are all right"

"what do you think?" Keri asks me

"i think i want Jonah's opinion" i felt tears of joy well up in my eyes but i wanted my brothers opinion.

"i knew it" Esther stands up and leave, mom walks up to me and cups me cheeks, lightly caressing my cheeks.

"it's all up to you, it matters how you feel"

"i know mom, i just want to be sure" she pulls me into a hug, i gladly accept. as we pull away i spot Esther walking back in, her hand covering Jonah's eyes.

"you sure you want him to see?" she asks walking over with Jonah, who almost trips over a couch because Esther is horrible at guiding him. i nod my head when they stand in front of me, i have tears threading to spill and butterflies in my stomach, wow, i don't like this combination.

Esther removed her hand from Jonah eyes, he looks around then stops on me, his eyes examining me. i notice his jaw drop slights, it looked like he was trying to speak but couldn't find the words. "if we were still teenagers i would not let you out of the house like this" his comment makes me giggle

"you look beautiful Faith" he smiles moving closer "can i?" he motion to hug me, i nod and hold out my arms as i feel a tear role down my cheek. "don't cry" he whispers

"it's happy tears Jonah, for the first time in a long time"

"you have everyone's opinion" mom state as Jonah walks back

"what do you say about this dress?" the lady asks

"i say... it's the perfect one" everyone cheers and claps, this is the dress. the wedding is closer then i thought, i will finally get to marry the man i love.


so yea, adding a little bit in, i wounder why Faith is so nervous? (i don't really as i know how it end and all but i felt like saying that)

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