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--Jack's POV--

"what are we supposed to be doing again?" Corbyn question, we all came home and just sat in the lounge, Corbyn isn't the only clueless one here.

"good question" Zach comments

"Samantha told me but i forgot" Jonah informs as the door open

"your having a lads night, forget about the struggles and relax" Samantha states walking in the door and dropping her bags on the counter

"what do you do on a lads night?" i question, Samantha walk closer and leans on the wall before you enter the lounge.

"here's what your going to do" she state "i will Face-Time the girls and we can have some cake, celebrate Jonah's birthday a bit then, i will leave to join the girl and you can go to a club or something and get drunk, just don't hook up with anyone, i mean Jack can if he wants but i don't recommend it. Zach use your fake ID to get in if you need just don't drink because your the driver and underage"

i don't want to hook up with anyone, okay maybe there is one person but i don't want to hook up with them, i want to be with them. the house was silent for a moment, i think we were all taking in her plan.

"wait, why am i driving?" Zach questions

"your the only one that can't legally drink" Samantha informs

"yes i can, i'm 21 and i lost that fake ID" Zach corrects

"okay well, your the youngest and yea i thought you were 20" Samantha shrugs "but now lets have some cake" we all get up and walk over to the kitchen. she called the girls so they were on the TV because she hooked her Laptop to the TV, we sung happy birthday and cut the cake.

at the end of happy birthday Faith would scream out a random word, like she does every time she enters the house. we all need Faith in our life, she always brings light and manages to make us laugh, she once turned a thunderstorm into a game. i remember she told us that 'the thunder is the elf's playing basket ball, the lightning in fairies practicing their magic and the rain is the giants crying happy tears' she turned the sounds into a game and we ending up having the time of our lives that night, even if it was childish.

i may not be her boyfriend, i may not be her brother, but, Faith is my best friend, she's like a little sister to me. we've all grown into one huge family, it started with WDW, then Faith, a year down Logan and Skye moved in with us, we move when Mona came into the family along with Christina, then Samantha and now Alysha, if one of us is friends with them, they turn into everyone's family. now we have Faith and Daniel's beautiful baby and who knows, there might be more to come. even Dex and Eli are a part of this Family, they just don't live with us.

we're a mix of brother and sisters, girlfriends and boyfriends, fiances -soon to be husband and wife-, parents and child. it doesn't mater out race, sexuality, opinions, personalities, backgrounds, beliefs, sex, our differences, it doesn't matter what people think of us, we are a family and we love each other, we're always there for each other and that's all that matters. we've been though thin and think, good days and bad, mood swings -from the girls mostly-, playful fights, real fights that only last like an our, pranks, revenge, the whole nine yards.

the thing is, we're not complete without Faith. the family keeps growing but it never shrinks. it's like a circle, if one leave then there is always a hole that fits only them, that hole can not be filled with anything but them. everyone is accepted in this family, along with their mistakes which we learn and grow from, mistakes are a natural thing, there is no reason to be ashamed of them.

the reason we stay a family is because we are always their for each other, we stick up for each other, never leave another's side. yea we get into fights but what family doesn't? your not a family if you haven't had disagreements over the simplest of things and had petty little fights. we care for each other, we love each other in more way then one. to one person another my be a sibling, to another they may be the love of their life. we are who we are and that works, we're not copies, we're individuals, our own people that we accept.

this circle is a family, my family and nothing can change that. you have your family by blood and the circle, the family you choose. in the circle you can be who you are, not try to put on some act, your are accepted and loved for who you are. 

some of the biggest things in my life i have learnt from Faith, we can all learn from her. since the day i met her, she hasn't change one bit, she's always been who she is and hasn't tried to change that.

if we loose Faith, we loose a part of us, a part of the family, a part of the circle. Faith has left a dent in all our lives, and that dent she made was for good. no matter what happens Faith will always be a big part in our life, of the family.


sorry, i started wit the first chapter then it just kept on going, but it's a message that a relate to real life and saying how Faith is important to them. i don't know why i did Jack's POV, i just wanted to leave a hint that Jack may have a love interest. there is 7 paragraphs going on about family, wow, sorry i didn't mean to do that but it's the best i got.

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