Chained secrets

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Everyone was still sleeping soundly... except for a certain brunette. Tenma was having a hard time sleeping, lots of things were going into his mind... he felt like his head was about to explode into million pieces.

He really wanted to leave the room and just clear his mind. So he tried to get up from his bed slowly without waking anyone up. It was quite challenging for him since he was already quite weak and he needed surgery soon.

Around 10 minutes later he finally made it outside the room. He already felt exhausted like he climbed the world's highest mountain or something, he was having a hard time breathing.

"" Tenma said, after his breathing was slowly going back to normal he walked around the hospital again. He didnt go very far from his room, he didnt want the same chaos to happen again. He was dozing off around, trying to think anything other than his dad. While he was too busy daydreaming about marrying soccer, he accidentally bumped into someone.

"S-sorry! I-i wasnt looking......." 

Tenma was extremely shocked to see who he bumped into. 'Oh no.' 


Tenma started to panick, he wanted to go away from him, so he got up really fast and started walking away from him as fast as he could. But ofcourse it was quite hard for compared to a healthy man.

"Where are you going son?"  Nagata said while holding Tenma's arm tightly. "Let me go!" Tenma said while trying to pull his arm away. He always knew his dad was stronger than him, but he tried to pull his arm as best as he could, which resulting him to fall down on his butt.


"Why are you so surprised to see me? I told u that i will search for you no matter what... we can be together again." Nagata said

"Never. Leave me alone" Tenma said, he took his chance and ran as fast as he can to his room. Surprisingly Nagata didnt follow him, suddenly he realised that Nagata just left....


Suddenly Tenma felt a strong pain on his stomach again... his knees were on the floor, he tried to walk slowly back to his room. He was so stressed out, everything happened so fast, the kidney, the surgery, his own dad! He want everything to just go back to normal...

He felt something wet on his nose, he touched them and there he saw blood. 'Great. Nosebleed.' He found some tissues near him and stuffed them into his nose and slowly walked back to his room. 

Moments later he was finally back on bed. Thankfully no one is still awake yet, he hurried back to his bed. He didnt know what to do, he was kinda annoyed with his nosebleed because he cant lay down and sleep back again. So he just sat on the bed and waited for someone to wake up..

Eventually he fell asleep sitting. 

Half an hour later... some people woke up, they were quite surprised to see Tenma asleep while sitting down, a tissue sticking on his nose and his arm around his stomach. 

Tsurugi sighed. He realised the bleeding stopped so he threw the tissue and help Tenma lay on his bed comfortably without waking him up.

'I just want everything to be back to normal again' tsurugi thought.

After few hours later.... almost everyone woke up except for the brunette, today is gonna be one hell of a day.. everyone have a lot of explaining to do.

Suddenly fuyupe went into the room, she wanted to check how Tenma was doing so she did some nurse things like checking his temperature, makes sure his pulse is beating normally and all. However Tenma wokeup by Fuyupe's sudden movements.

"Ehh... sorry. Didnt mean to wake you up Tenma." Fuyupe said while preparing to leave. "Its okay. Its time to wake up anyways." 

After Fuyupe left the room, it was quite a tension there, especially what happened last night. Tenma broke the awkward situation, "Did you all sleep well?" Everyone nodded. "Tenma, about your dad situation, he told us about your past, and he just wanted his son back, he didnt want us to tell you because he was afraid that you would recall terrible memories before its time yet. We're sorry for not telling you the truth in the first place." Shindou said 

"Minna....I'm sorry for acting so harsh on you all yesterday too. I should have been more understanding. But please...dont believe any word he said about my past." Tenma said in a worried and nervous voice.

"Why?" Everyone questioned. "Tenma...what exactly happened..." tsurugi asked curiously. He wanted to help the brunette as much as he can, with Tenma's physical and mental problems, Tenma has always been there for him and listened to him. He wanted to do the same for Tenma now.

However, Tenma didnt really like telling people about his own problems. Usually he prefers helping others. Sometimes he is even terrified to tell, he was scared how they would treat him afterwards. He didnt like to mention about his past at all. Well more like he cant. He was forced to shut his mouth up about his past.

Tenma just stayed quiet. "Tenma. We want to help you. You have always been there for us, now its our turn to return the favor." Aoi said 

"I-its....complicated..." Tenma sighed. "Please Tenma." 

"I-i'll tell you guys all about it when i'm ready." Tenma lied, he wasnt suppose to even mention about his past. They decided to just let him be. They cant really force him either, they dont wanna make him recall more terrible memories. 

Everything was back to normal. Well mostly. Everything was fine again, everyone was happy chatting, joking around, telling silly stories. They almost forgot that they were even at the hospital.

'How i wish i can tell you guys what actually happened to me......'

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 02, 2017 ⏰

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