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No matter what I do or say, Lilly still won't come over. It's like I've lost her completely, and I'm at a loss for what to do.

Today was uneventful. Except for one thing.

Lilly was sitting at a table in the cafeteria alone, and I finally gathered up the courage to sit with her. As I came over, I saw she was writing in something. When she heard my approach, she closed the book quickly and looked up at me blankly (her neutral expression now).

Then I realized something.

Lilly writes in a journal.

Like me.

I smiled at her encouragingly and sat across from her. She didn't return the smile; she just quickly stowed her journal away in her bag.

I know I shouldn't, but I can't help but want to know what she writes about, and whether it mentions the Lilly Mystery (yes, I call it that now).

I guess I'll never know.

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