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A/N: Hey guys!

So after realizing how dramatic I was I've decided to continue this story. I still thinks it scrappy though.

Anyways, I've skipped some time since the last chapter. I hope this isn't moving to fast. Let me know what you think. Enjoy!


The next few weeks flew by, and Calum couldn't be happier. He and Ashton had been spending more time together after school in the library, and Ashton had been sitting with him and the other two for lunch everyday. Calum was glad that Michael and Luke were getting along so well with Ash, because Ashton was starting to really grow on Calum, and though he's only known him for a short span of a few weeks, Calum knew that he cared for this boy a lot.

Ashton was so... Ashton, If that made sense. There wasn't a single word to actually describe the boy. He was energetic, funny, and he seemed to always have a huge smile on his face that would show off his deep dimples, and Calum would have to quickly look away if the other boy glanced at him in order to keep his blush hidden. Ashton had a very bubbly personality, and would laugh and giggle at the slightest of things. He was a natural at anything and everything, and he got things pretty quick, and he was very talented. Calum knew he played the drums, and though he hadn't actually heard him play yet, he could tell he was good because Ashton's hyperactivity would result in him knocking and banging on things and using his pencils as drumsticks, and the way he used these makeshift instruments was skillful, as if he'd been doing it for years, and the series of random taps and rhythms had actually sounded quite good, and Calum had grown to enjoy these little tunes.

Ashton was nice, incredibly nice, and always greeted Calum with a smile, and had not once said one offensive or rude thing to Calum unless it was in a teasing manner. He was sweet and polite, and he respected the teachers and staff (which they very much appreciated) unlike half of the student population. He was friendly, and seemed to get along with just about anyone, and he had this charm that made people like him right off the bat. And his looks matched his wonderful personality.

Calum would be lying if he said Ashton wasn't handsome, and to be honest, Calum thought that handsome was an understatement. He was beautiful and, well, yeah, Calum may have been just a bit smitten with the boy. His hair was a perfect mess of golden brown waves, and they hung in such a perfect way and fell into the most intense hazel eyes Calum has ever had the pleasure of seeing. His skin was so soft - not that he would subtly brush against Ashton every chance he got in order to make this observation or anything like that - and warm, and slightly tanned, and his face was splashed with a blush and his lips the same shade of pink, and a smile that could brighten anyone's mood and had dimples for days.

He was about the same height as Calum, maybe just an inch short. His legs were wonderful, and Calum thanked God for those damned skinny jeans he wore. His biceps were a sin and his hands should be illegal, because they were huge and Calum found himself on more than one occasion wanting to reach out and grab it with his own, just to see the size difference and perhaps do a bit of hand holding because he was just that romantic.

These were only a few of the observations he made, and he smiled to himself thinking about them. Yes, he'd only known him for a couple of weeks, but as Calum went over him in his head he knew that he liked this boy, and he liked him a lot.

He was so absorbed in his thoughts that he jumped when his phone buzzed. He sighed and read the new message.

From: Mikey (5:06 pm);

'hey Cal, got Luke with me. be over in a few. you got the movies?'

Calum glanced at his desk where a stack of DVDs sat.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Apr 27, 2014 ⏰

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