Part 2-14 Victory

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Part 14

            The questions continue, one after another.  I am asked about the possible allies I would make: animal or human?  Animal, of course.  They can’t betray you like a human can and would be much more helpful and would keep you company.  I am asked about whether or not the drink dirty water, and which road I should take.

            I don’t glance at Colby throughout it all, but I wonder how he is doing.  I assure myself he is fine, and we will both get high scores.  After all, I didn’t hesitate on any, and the crowds are silent.  That must be a good sign.

            After what seems like forever the questions stop and Misty looks at us curiously.

            “All of your answers were much different then we would expect,” she says.  “But your explanations made so much sense that we had to count them right, and change the records so that they matched your answers.”  Colby and I glance at each other.  The crowd roars.  “Now, it is time for your last test.  Since it appears you both will make the A group already, you will need to only fight the B group representative.  Colby, you will fight second place B group representative, Richard.  Victoria, you will fight first place holder B group representative, Lucas.”  Of course.  I should have seen this coming.

            “Colby will start first,” she says.  “Victoria, you may have a seat.” 

            I slowly walk over to the benches and sit by myself.  I have no idea how anyone fights here, so I hope that Colby may have time to observe Richard while he walks into the ring like I often do.

            Here he comes.  Colby looks nervous, and he appears to be sweating.  Good.  Colby is using a smart tactic.  But, since he is using what I normally do, I’ll just have to fool Lucas into thinking that we do the same thing and start confident, but deliver the first few moves weakly.  That way, he’ll think I’m no good at all.  No, he’s seen how I can throw.  Darn you, Misty.  I’ll have to hope he wasn’t paying attention to that.  Just because I can throw doesn’t mean I can punch, right?

            Colby stands on the gym mats marking the makeshift ring.

            “If you knock your opponent off of the mats,” Misty says, “you will severely be punished, with no desserts for a month.”  The crowd murmurs.  “If your opponent surrenders stop fighting.  No breaking bones.  Remember, we are all working together, not individually.  The same rules will apply to Victoria and Lucas, and the rules are the same for any other fights.  Is that clear?”

            “Yes, Misty,” Colby and Richard say in unison.

            “Good.  If Colby wins he joins A group, if he loses he joins B group.  The same applies to Victoria.  And… begin!”

            Colby meets Richard’s gaze with both confidence and worry.  Good, he can really play the part.

            The boys circle each other until they come closer and closer, waiting for the other to make a move. 

            At last, Colby goes first.  Perfect.  He can show Richard that he is actually weak.  He throws out his arm towards Richard’s face, which he easily blocks and kicks out towards Colby’s leg.  Richard won’t be easy to beat: he is lanky like Colby, only with darker skin and wilder eyes.  Richard must want to prove himself worthy of being in the A group.  Who wouldn’t, after all?

            Colby continues to throw weak punches and take hits from Richard.  I watch as his hand suddenly jets out after jumping up and he punches Richard’s stomach, hard, and then leaps to the side, slamming his foot into Richard’s back.  Richard gasps, stepping forward in shock.  Of course Richard went easy on him.  He wasn’t prepared for this.  I’ll have to start out strong and lose stamina so Lucas won’t suspect I fight with the same style and be prepared.

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