Chapter 15

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I walk into my bosses office, and he closes the door behind me. He gestures for me to take a seat, so I comply. He sits opposite of me at his desk.

"So Ariadne, I know it may not be any of my buisness, but I've noticed you and that older male showing affection, you do realize that it is highly innapropriate to kiss older men, at your own work place?" My boss asks.

"Umm, I'm really sorry Chad. He's not older though, he got dared to dress like that and go to a restaurant.. I'm sorry about the kiss though." I say to him while playing with my fingers. He sighs and just nods for me to leave. Confusing much? Whatever.

As I'm about to leave this place I notice I forgot my phone at the table. I walk over to go get it, but someone grabs my wrist causing me to jump. I turn and it was just Liam. I start laughing at the way I reacted to it, and Liam joins in.

"You left this at the table love." Liam says handing me my phone. I give him a hug to show my thanks.

"I'm going home now, my boss just talked to me, apparently it's innapropriate for kissing to be held in the restaurant. but when Tom does it, it's okay." I sigh walking towards the door. Liam follows me out.

" Hey um Ari, do you think it'd be okay if I went with you? Niall just took the car to go see Taylor, and I'd rather not take the bus home." Liam asks. I giggle at how he was nervous to ask me that, and I nod my head.

"Of course Li Li! Do you have a change of clothes? I don't want you being uncomfortable. If you don't we can stop at the mall or something." I say to him as we enter my car.

" Well, I had a change in the car, but Niall took it. Do you mind stopping at the mall? We could go on a shopping spree!" Liam says as he claps his hands like an excited little boy. This just causes me to laugh.

" I don't know aboy shopping sprees, but I guess I could get something." I say as I pull out of the parking lot.

~20 minutes later~

We just arrived at the mall and we're headed to a store Liam claims to have awesome clothes for him. He buys a t-shirt, dark sunglasses, a new snapback, and a pair of jeans. I just wait outside of the dressing room until Liam walks out. He's wearing the new clothes, but still has the wig on so fans won't notice him. I laugh because the outfit is nice, but the hair ruins it. Liam pouts because he thinks I'm laughing at him, so I peck his lips. I grab his arm and pull him over to Forever 21 across the mall. He groans.

Once we get inside of Forever 21, I go over to the crop-tops. I start looking through them and find 2 that I like. One is black and it says Je taime. The other one is light gray and has a hot pink heart on it. I go to the shorts after, and grab a white pair with fringe, and a dark pair of blueshort-shorts with holes. I go to the dressing room to see how I look in them, and I like how the blue shorts and black crop-top look together. I try on the light gray crop top and white shorts, and they look good together. I put back on my original clothing, and when I walk out of the stall Liam is standing there with a bunch of t-shirts and jeans. I groan.

"Li Li, you don't expect me to try ALL of those on, do you?" I ask.

" Oh yes love I do! And I want to see how you look in all of them!" Liam says giving me a smirk.

"Fine, but I'm only buying two of them, I still have to pay rent this month!" I say as I grab the clothes from him.

"Oh Ari, you're so silly! You are not paying for these, I am." Liam says with an even bigger smirk. Oh no he isn't.

"No your not Liam. If you pay for one more thing for me, I will... I... I don't know what yet but I'll do something." I say as I'm walking to the dressing stall.

~15 minutes later~

All the clothes Liam picked were for the winter. I think it's because he doesn't like crop-tops, but I'm still wearing them. There are only two more pairs of jeans and two more shirts. I grab the black t-shirt with white polka-dots and the dark gray jeans with a rip in the ankle. This outfit isn't too bad. I walk out and Liam nods his head in approval, then spins his finger in a circular motion for me to turn. I roll my eyes but do as told. Liam stands up after I complete a full circle and grabs me from behind. He leans down to my ear.

"This outfit looks really nice on you love. How many are left?" Liam whispers in my ear, causing me to shiver.

" One more outfit, then I'm done." I say as he releases me. I walk back into the stall and decide to just put on the blue short-shorts and black crop-top. After I put that on I walk out of the dressing room. Liam is on his phone and didn't notice me, so I sneak up on him.

"Boo!" I say jumping on his back in piggy-back form. He pulls me off of him while he laughs. Once he see's what I'm wearing, his eyes go wide. I giggle at his reaction. Liam spins his finger in a circular motion again. I do as I'm told, and once as I'm done Liam is at my ear again.

" I liked how the other outfit looked on you, but this one looks better." Liam says in my ear. "But this isn't one I picked out, is it?" Liam asks.

"No, its one I picked out. I don't care what you say, I'm buying it. It's a cute outfit." I say to him. He rolls his eyes and tells me to grab the clothes so we can go get ice cream. I grab all the clothes after I change back into my original clothes. I put back the clothes I'm not buying, and I'm left with the two outfits I picked out and the polka dot shirt and ripped dark gray jeans Liam picked out. I go pay for all the clothes, and I see Liam holding all the clothes I didn't buy. I give him the evil eye, but he's already paying for them at the next register. I roll my eyes and walk away. Shortly after I hear Liam calling my name, but I ignore it. I walk off to the ice-cream shop, and see Taylor and Niall laughing. I go and join them and shortly after Liam joins us.

"Hey guys." I say to Tay and Niall.

"Hey Ariadne, hey Liam." Taylor says. Liam just waves to them, but then faces me.

"Ari, please don't be mad." Liam whines. I just choose to give him the silent treatment. I was serious about not having him pay for anything.

" What did you do mate? Ari seems pretty ticked off if you ask me." Niall asks Liam.

"She told me not to pay for anything, but I bought her these." Liam says gestering to the bags he is holding. He then places them down. "Please talk to me Ari!" Liam begs. I want to laugh at his face right now, its so cute, but I don't. I keep a serious face.

"Taylor, please tell Liam I shall speak to him when we get back to my apartment." I tell Taylor. As Taylor's about to speak, Liam cuts her off "I heard her." he pouts.

This seems like a fun time.

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