Chapter 24

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"What was that dear?" Karen asks. I don't even know what's up with me saying my thoughts, but I said thank you because if them creating Liam, which would really be awkward. Guess the first proper sentence I'm saying to his parents is a lie, nice. I think Liam senses my worry, because he puts his arm around my shoulder and starts to rub it assuringly.

'Oh, umm I said thanks for inviting me into your home. It's a very nice place you've got, and I'm Ariadne, but you can call me Ari. You are?" I ask as I put my hand out for Karen to shake, but she pulls me in for a hug instead. I hug back to be polite.

"Well thank you Ari, I'm Karen and this is my husband Geoff. Let's all go take a seat in the dining room, yeah?" Karen asks as she starts walking into a room, and we all follow. Once we get to our destination, I stand there awkwardly while I take in the room. It has a crystal chandelier above dining table which can seat eight and has been set already, on the left wall is a fine china collection inside of a protective frame, on the right wall there seems to be a hallway, and the wall ahead seems to lead to a kitchen. The wall is a calm red, like a fallen leaf in the fall. Overall it's extravigant, each detail complementing the others.

" Ari love, you can take a seat." Liam chuckles at me. I just nod and take a seat, which Liam takes the one to my left. His father takes the seat across from me, and Karen excuses herself to go check on dinner.

"So Ariadne, I'm Geoff but I guess my wife already introduced myself. Care to tell me about yourself?" Geoff asks. I was prepared for this question.

"Well, I just finished High School in June, I am 19 years old, and I've lived in Doncaster my whole life, but in the past year my friend and I got our own apartment. I work as a waitress at a small Italian restaurant back in Doncaster, and I have a car. I plan on going to college, but first I'd like to take a year off from school to get myself together properly." I say all in one breath, hoping Geoff understood it all.

"Seems like you've prepared yourself, eh?" Geoff asks with a chuckle. I just nod my head.

"Dad, why don't you go help mum with the food, I need to tell Ariadne something." Liam asks his father. His father stands up and walks away while muttering a sure.

"Was that okay? I'm sorry, I said something wrong, didn't I? My hairs probably a mess, your parents must think I'm a slob." I could go on and on about how I messed this up, but I am silenced by Liam's hand covering my mouth, indicating to listen to him.

"Ari, you did perfect. My father seems to like you already, and I'm sure with your charm my mother will be soon to follow. Your hair is perfect and you look beautiful as always. Don't worry about anything, just be yourself." Liam says as he moves his hand away from my mouth to cup my cheek. I feel the warmth in my cheek grow, knowingly causing me to blush a light shade of pink. It's gestures like this that make me think Liam truly does care about me. Liam moves his hand away once we hear footsteps, and in walks both Karen carrying rolls and butter, and Geoff carrying a turkey. They place the food in the middle of the table, and take the two seats across from Liam and I.

"So Ariadne, Geoff told me you just finished High School, yeah? Oh, and I hope you enjoy turkey and rolls, if not I can make something else." Karen offers as she begins cutting the turkey.

"No, turkey and rolls is amazing, don't trouble yourself over me. Yes, I just finished High School, and I plan on going to college in the next year or two." I say in a polite tone.

"What are you planning on majoring in, once you go to college, if you don't mind me asking. You can serve yourself dear, better grab some before these two boys do." Karen states referring to Liam and his father. I giggle at her comment, but grab a piece of turkey and a roll. As I start buttering my roll, I start talking.

From High School To Liam PayneWhere stories live. Discover now