Chapter 42

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(Liam's P.O.V)

Why is my Ari on television? Why is she buying baby supplies and maternity clothes? Those are the two thoughts running throughout my head. I'm trying to think rationally, maybe they're her friends, seeing as her friend is pregnant. I mean, she surely can't be pregnant, we haven't had sex. Unless she's pregnant with someone elses baby. What? No, she's not cheating on me, I would've found out sooner due to social media, wouldn't I? And Ariadne wouldn't cheat on me, that's absurd. She claims she loves me, so if she loved me she wouldn't do that, would she? I'm trying to stop these horrid thoughts going through my head. I need a distraction.

"Liam, I swear I was showing Taylor the-" My angel starts to say before I smash my lips to her. I know I'll regret being this forceful with her later on, but right now I need this. I need this type of relief. Ari jumps a little at my authority, but then she kisses back, with as much passion as me. The only thing I'm pulling away for is air, and she takes advantage of this.

"Li, are you mad or something? Why are you being so... So cheeky? If that's the right word." She manages to get out throughout the course of my breathing breaks. I sigh, more composed than before now, and pull her onto my lap. I kiss her neck, and make my way up to her ear.

"I'm not mad, I'm eager for a distraction. Can you distract me baby?" I whisper in my attempt of seduction. It might've worked, because she let's out a shaky breath, and nods her head. She spins on my lap, now straddling me, and connects our lips again. She pushes her hips down on mine, causing my little friend to say hello. I groan into her mouth, and when she brings her hips back down to mine, I push mine forward causing friction between our clothed bodies. She grabs at my hair pulling me closer. She jumps in excitement, causing me to emmit a moan. I'm about to carry her into the bedroom, when I hear a door slam. More specifically, Ariadne's front door. It better not be Taylor and Niall, because Niall told me they're going on a beach vacation for the next three days, so if it's the Irish lad I'm going to kill him.

~Ariadne's P.O.V~

As I'm about to suggest we take this to my bedroom, my front door slams open. I jump, but Liam takes this the wrong way and moans. He has his hands on my hips, forbidding me from climbing out of his lap. Another slam of my door is heard, and Liam must've heard it too because he stops kissing me for a moment, and quickly tries to make us look more formal, not in the current state we are in. Well, it's too late because Ashley and Zayn are standing in front of us. Ashley is blushing with embarassment, as if she's the one being caught doing something naughty. Zayn's smirk is growing, until he finally falls to the floor with a heap of laughter. I look at Liam, slightly annoyed with him, but I have no reason to be. I climb out of his lap, and sit next to him awkwardly instead. Yeah, definetely awkward.

"Umm hi." I say awkwardly to the couple in front of us. Zayn finally stops laughing, and he climbs off of the floor. He grabs Ashley's hand, and they move to the couch opposite of Liam and I. Instead of sitting beside each other, Ashley sits on the couch, and Zayn lies his head down on her lap, just like as if they were at home. I would find this really cute, if I didn't just get caught making out with Liam on my couch.

"So how was snogging? It looked pretty good, but I missed the full show because Ash and I were left knocking on your front door for about fifteen minutes before I just let us in." Zayn says with a playful smile. I feel the blush on my face grow redder, as if that's possible. Ashley stops herself from running her fingers through Zayn's hair, from shock of his words.

"Zayn, stop." Ashley scolds. Zayn leans up and pecks Ashley's cheek, which causes Ashley to smile down to him, before she plays with Zayn's hair again.

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