Chapter 56

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It's officially Liam's Birthday. Since I went to go see my dad yesterday to ask about the job at the Apple Store, I wasn't with him. But he made me promise, I'd be over his new apartment later on. That's right, he bought himself in apartment here, so he'd have a place to come back to after his tour. Of course I promised I'd be there, it's his last day before he leaves. Gosh, it sounds so weird thinking these.

Right now, I'm driving to the mall to get to the jewelry store. I'm picking up the locket I had made, and I'm also going to get him some new clothes.

"Is that all ma'am?" The cashier asks, ringing up the clothes I'm purchasing.

"Yeah, it is." I say, giving her a small smile. She tells me the total, and I hand her my credit card. She slides it through the slot, hands it back and I'm off to the jewelers.

"Um hi, I'm here to pick up a locket I had made earlier in the week? It's under the name Ariadne." I say to the man sitting in a chair behind a case of rings. He looks up from the magazine he was reading, and points to the girl at the other end of the stand. I give him a nod, and go off to her.

"So you're here to pick something up?" She asks me once I get to her.

"Yeah, it's a personalized locket under the name Ariadne.." I tell her, smiling as I think of today. It's going to be amazing, I get to spoil Liam for once.

"Okay, I'll be just a minute." She smiles back, going to the back room and returning moments later with a case. "This one?" She asks, opening the case for me. She carefully takes the locket out and opens it, revealing the two pictures I chose.

"Yeah." I nod, very satisfied with the way it turned out.

"Here, I'll ring it up now and you can be on your way. Is there a reason you bought this?" She asks, placing the locket back in it's box and putting the box in a small bag. "You prepaid, right?" She adds.

"Yeah, I did. And I bought it for my boyfriend, it's his birthday today." I tell her as she hands me the bag.

"Awe, how cute! Well you should go get to him, don't keep him waiting on that amazing gift!" She says, and I thank her before exiting the shop and going to my car. I don't have to go back to my apartment or anything, I get to just drive straight to Liam's. He has the dogs, and I have my bag already in the car.




"Okay, well which floor is it on? I'm so confused Li, it's not even funny." I laugh into the phone, fingers brushing over the elevator buttons. I got to Liam's apartment building, but I'm unaware of where it is. So here I stand like a fool with my bag on my shoulder having to call him and ask.

"I told you this yesterday, floor four apartment 14. Hurry up, I miss you." He says back, laughing as he starts.

"I bet I miss you more, and I know I've said this probably a hundred times today, but Happy Birthday!" I cheer into the line.

"Why thank you Ari." He says as the elevator dings, fourth floor.

"So what have you done all day? Besides read the millions upon millions of tweets from fans wishing you a happy birthday." I ask him.

"Nothing much really. I just watched TV. It's my last day to do it before I'm stuck on a bus for three months." He says, and I can picture him shrugging. It just still seems unreal he's leaving tomorrow. Though I helped him finish packing two days ago, it still seems like there's plenty of time left before he leaves.

"I'm here!" I declare once I'm at the door. I hear him rustling about through the phone and from the other end of the door, and then the door opens. "Hi." I smile at him.

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