Chapter 58

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"Thanks for helping me, now I just got to unpack everything." I sigh, dropping my last bag in the living room of Liam's, no. I guess our, flat.

"It's no problem, as long as you help me move into your old one, it'll be fine." Ashley laughs, dropping a bag of my stuff on the floor as well. "No but really, it's fine. I know Taylor's going to miss having you there, but you'll visit a lot right?"

"Of course I will, do you think I'd be able to stay away from you guys? You'll probably be begging me to leave because I'll be there too much." I tell her. It's been two weeks since the boys left for their tour, and on the first day Ashley, Taylor and I sort of all just went to Taylor and I's old flat and cried while eating ice cream and watching Impractical Jokers to try and get us to stop crying and to laugh instead. It worked a little bit. But after that day of crying our eyes out, we sort of made it work. I stayed at my old place with Taylor and the puppies for the first week, and then slowly I started moving my things here. With the help of Taylor and Ashley of course. I haven't seen Izzy since she told me that she was having a baby girl, but only because she's been busy visiting Hayes family and telling them the sex and things. I've started my job at the Apple Store, and it's not as fun when your dad's there yelling at you for texting, even though nobody in the store is asking for help. Liam has called me as much as he can, and it's almost everyday. Only one day he couldn't because he forgot his phone on the tour bus and they were staying at a hotel that night. And so he sort of just tweeted his goodnight to me in a DM instead.

"We'd never make you leave! We love you too much! And I mean, if you bring these puppies we'll have no problem with you being there all the time, y'know?" She says, picking up Jessie who just jumped up on her.

"I'll bring them sometimes, don't worry. But they've got to get used to being alone too, I don't think Liam's going to want them going with us everywhere when he comes back, no matter have cute they are." I tell her, sitting on the couch.

"Okay, well I'll be leaving you to unpack okay? Call or text me when you finish unpacking everything, and then we'll start moving my stuff into Taylors. But don't think you have to do it right away, take your time." Ashley says, putting down Jessie and walking towards the door.

"Bye Ash, thanks again for the help! Tell Taylor I said thanks to her too, please?" I stand and go give her a hug.

"Yeah, will do. Bye!" She hugs me back then leaves. I shut the door and turn around, sighing at all the bags spread out on the floor. I'm wishing I didn't own all of these things right now, but I know I love them all. Guess I should start unpacking.


"So Ashley and I finished moving all of my stuff into the flat, and I started to unpack. I'm telling you now the closet might be tight." I tell Liam through Facetime, laying on the bed in our bedroom.

"Why, too many shoes or something?" He asks, grinning as he tries not to laugh.

"That's exactly what the problem is. Too many shoes, not enough space for shoes." I sigh, and this time he actually laughs. "It's not funny, I have no clue where I'm going to put my shoes." I pout.

"Well, you could solve the problem by buying a shoe rack. But I mean, that's just a suggestion." He says stopping his laughter.

"Smart idea, I'll get a shoe rack tomorrow after work. And I still have to go to Ikea and get a dishwasher, picture frames, a mirror for the closet, some kitchen utilities, and all sorts of things. Moving in is a lot of work you know, I'm starting to think the only reason you wanted me to move here while you were on tour was so you wouldn't have to worry about getting these things." I tell him.

"Maybe that's part of it." He jokes. "But the bigger part is because I love you and I wanted you to be there when I get back. I already miss you too much." He explains.

"I miss you too Li." I sigh, and then Woody jumps up on the bed and starts attacking my face with licks. "I think he misses you too. I know Jessie does. She's sleeping right now, but I promise she misses you." I tell him, looking at my bracelet I'm still wearing. Liam surprised me the first night by showing me he made us both one, his in blue and black mine being purple white.

"I miss them too, almost as much as I miss you. I'm still wearing the locket, y'know." He tells me, untucking it from his white shirt.

"And I'm still wearing the bracelet, y'know." I tell him, holding my wrist up for him to see.

"I'm wearing mine too." He smiles, showing me his wrist.

"Always outdoing me Payne." I laugh, then yawn.

"Shoot, what time is it there? I forgot about timezones. Should you be getting to bed?" He pouts, and I give a small smile.

"It's like, 11:40. It's not too late, I'll be fine babe." I tell him, and despite what I said another yawn escapes my lips.

"Okay see you're yawning again Ari I refuse to let you stay up for me." He says noting my yawn.

"But I refuse to let you refuse my staying up for you." I tell him.

"I love you, goodnight." He says.

"No don't hang up." I pout.

"Ari. goodnight I love you."

"Ugh fine goodnight Li I love you more." I tell him, and as we do everynight we blow a kiss into the camera.


"Thanks for coming with me Izzy. We can get you some things for the baby, like a crib maybe? I'll buy it." I tell her as we walk into Ikea, with one of the cart things to put the boxes of things on.

"No, it's okay, Hayes mom already bought us one. But thanks Ari, don't buy us anything! You already bought her all sorts of things." Izzy says.

"I'm going to spoil her I swear on it. Fine, I won't buy anything for you guys. Today." I laugh, and before she can protest I drag her to one of the kitchen rooms set up in Ikea. "Okay, well for our kitchen we need a Dishwasher and kitchen utilities. Like, forks and plates and all that stuff. And pots and pans and all of the small things. We need a dryer, but we've already got a washing machine. I think I'm going to wait because I sort of forget how our washer looks." I tell her, taking out the list I made of things Liam and I are going to need.

"Lucky I met you at your apartment then, I kind of remember the room. It's a pastel blue, right?" She asks, and I nod.

"Yeah. And it has wooden floors." I tell her, and then we both discuss things for a bit before we go on looking for all sorts of things for the apartment.

We literally spent almost the whole day at Ikea, of course we joked around in the display rooms. Who couldn't? And even though the living room as a couch, I ordered a leather couch set. Because I highly doubt I'd be able to find the matching love seat couch and recliner to that white couch, it's not going to happen. We bought almost everything on my list, besides the dryer and we forgot tuppleware. But I can get that at Walmart, I can make it work.

A/N So this is like a filler chapter I know you guys are probably going to hate it but whatever the next chapter or the one after that will be drama I promise so yeah. Enjoy, AND OH MY GOSH 9.8K READS IDK. IDEK ANYMORE. THANK YOU. I LOVE YOU ALL I AIN'T EVEN JOKING I LOVE YOU GUYS. PLease vote, comment, follow me if you aren't already, and continue reading this and please check out my other works if you aren't already! They may not be as long as this one is yet, but they're getting there! Okay okay bye I love you guys!!!

Syrup Monstahr

(Aka _One-Direction-5SOS_)

From High School To Liam PayneWhere stories live. Discover now