Careful When You Make a Deal With a Dorito

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You looked at him your brow creased in confusion. "A deal? What could you possibly want with me?" You asked carefully.

Bill set down his teacup and grinned, "well (Y/n) I need a bit of help. You see the mystery twins think of me as bad news. But I've changed!" He said and shot up from his chair. Though, he didn't fall and instead slowly floated towards the ground.

"I don't see how I can help you with that. I mean, I only just met the twins. And you -" you said, looking down at the man below as he cut you off.

"Ah ah ah" he shook his head in disappointment. Bill then snapped his fingers and the table and chairs disappeared, leaving you to fall.  You took in a sharp breath a braced for impact, but it never came. Instead, you were gently placed in the arms of Bill.

"(Y/n), my little minx. You don't give yourself nearly enough credit. Rule one of life, always be confident in yourself!" The dapper gentleman exclaimed and tapped you on the nose. "Now, for the deal. Is there anything you want? A puppy, world domination?" He inquired.

"What I would really like is for you to put me down and let me leave this weird purgatory" you huffed and pushed away from him.

"Is that it?" He chuckled lowly and nodded. "Sounds like a fair trade. So do we have ourselves a deal?" Bill held out a hand, blue fire encasing it.

You blinked a few times and started to hold out your own hand. "Yea su- Wait! I don't know know what you'll be getting out of this!" You exclaimed and started pulling you hand away. Bill had other plans. He quickly clasped her hand in his and shook it.

"Too little too late, Sundust. I'll see you in the meatsack's world" a cocky grin took over his features and he winked. Then the feeling of drowsiness hit you once more and you fell asleep in bill's arms.

| Back to the Real World |

You were startled away by the sound of to twins yelling your name. The dream was hazy in your mind, though the one thing engraved into your memory was the hand shake. You had made a deal with Bill, and you didn't even know what he was getting out of it.

Your thoughts were torn to shreds by a gentle shaking and your eyes flew open. In front of you we're the twins, both with worried expressions etched onto their features. "Are you ok (Y/n)?" Dipper asked.

"What happened in there? Did Bill try to do anything?! I swear if he did I'll make hi-" Mabel put up her fists ready to duke it out, right as you cut her off.

"He didn't do anything guys. In fact, he was charming," the words suddenly flew out of your mouth. You quickly covered it and looked between the two. That was a lie, Bill had conned you into making a deal you didn't know about. As you tried to tell the twins that, no words could come out. It was as if there was a spell placed over your mouth.

Dipper and Mabel looked at each other then back to you. "Are you feeling well?" Mabel inquired. "When you fell asleep your head hit the ground pretty hard..."

You looked at her, "no I'm not fine!" You exclaimed. "Bill-" tricked me into making a deal with him "isn't actually that bad of a guy." Once again your brows creased and you covered your mouth. What was going on here and why couldn't you tell the truth about Bill?

"(Y/n)?" Dipper looked at you "did something happen in that dream? Did you make a deal with Bill?" Worry tinged the boy's voice as he asked this question.

As much as you tried to nod your head you couldn't. "No, I didn't." You spoke unwillingly. Yes you had! Though you hadn't meant to. Slowly, you were figuring out what was happening and decided to test it. "Bill was super-" boring, annoying, and manipulative "kind, helpful, and sweet."

A small and prideful grin spread on your lips, figuring out what was going on. Of course, you still had to talk to Bill, just to figure out what he did to you. If he had done anything else that is.

Dipper nodded hesitantly, clearly not believing a word from your mouth. "Ok, how about we head back to the Mystery Shack. Ford will want to take a look at you"

You tilted your head slightly. Ford? Who was he? Though you found yourself nodding, if this guy could help you break this deal then it was time to hustle. The sooner you could tell the truth, the less danger the twins will be in. "Let's go then!" You shouted, probably a bit too enthusiastically and started walking.

Dipper eyes you carefully but nodded, and the three of you started your trek back to the Mystery Shack.

First, I want to apologize because I'm a bad author who doesn't update. Second I want to apologize because I wrote this a ten pm and it's probably shit. Anywho, I hope that you guys don't hate me!
Author out

Hope for the Future (Dipper x Reader x Bill)Where stories live. Discover now