Only English

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"Do you have what you need for today because you can borrow anything of mine if you need it." I couldn't help but be nice to Marcel. I actually feel crazy for thinking these thoughts about a person without actually knowing them. I guess I'm looking at the surface so far. He probably thinks I'm crazy for being so nice to him, but I know what it's like to be the new kids with no friends.

I constantly had to move because my parents always managed to get some sort of promotion in another state or country. That caused me to be socially awkward and face emotional distress. I have a sister, whom my mother seems to favor more because she was more social, active and girly them me. I'm the one who gets the good grades, dresses appropriately and helps when possible. My sister, Laura, is always lying to my parents about the guy sher is dating. She had dated so many guys that she knows way our parents will think our her. She only gets guys is because she dresses so slutty like and wears pounds of makeup everyday. The only reason why she favors Laura is because she doesn't know the truth about her and thinks she is just line her.

Since my family has always moved, I've managed to grow as a social awkward child. I never had the chance to make friends our become social with anyone. My sister on the other hand made lots of friends, but only because she was rude to everyone and threatened them. Although that all occured, I always managed to keep one friend throughout my whole luge. Her parents were also always there for me. Her mom was my motherly figure, I am practically part of the family. It was always good to know that I did have someone to lean on in tough times in my life.

"Margie! Margie! Can you hear me?" Marcel was laughing, I guess I was trapped in my thoughts.

"I said I'm actually well prepared for  today, but I guess  if I need anything I will ask you."

"Oh okay, sorry I was just thinking."

"It seemed to be serious, you were in deep thought. Wanna talk about it? You don't have to but I was just asking"

"Well we have to go to English, I'll tell you after." I was glad he was gentle about it. Sometimes people just want to know and not consider my feelings.

We both grabbed our books and I held my books to my chest a we walked down the hallway to English. I saw at the corner of my eye that Marcel stole a way glances of my face, it was in a shy manner though. It was really cute. When we got to English, to my suprise Ms. Johnson was already  at her desk.

"New kid is already gettin' it," Josh called out.

"Shut up or someone will not be able to talk for while," my tobe was harsh but amusing to others in my class.

"Who's he?" Marcel whispered with concern in my ear.

"That is Josh, don't pay him any mind, he might be getting left back anyway," we both giggled sweet laughter.

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