First Glance

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"Why wouldn't I be nice to you, you haven't been rude. I actually find you kind, cute and charming." I cover my mouth and I ponder on what I just said.

"Most people just think I'm a dorky loser, but nice to here something different for a change," his voiced seemed to get raspier, I found that cute as well. What don't I think is cute about him? It was a question that was hard for me to answer considering I just met him less than an hour.

"I actually meant what I said early when I said you are as cute as a button, you seem sweet and kind,"he pushed his glasses back, his cheeks were slightly red and he hunched his shoulders as he fixed his glasses. I couldn't help but smile.

"We have about ten minutes before we need to get to English because our teacher is always late. Why don't we find your locker?" I said trying to avoid that topic of conversation. He pulled a small piece of paper that was folded from his right pants pocket. He tilted in my direction for me to read. 403, it was right across from my locker. My face lit up at the thought, he would be right by me everyday. I would get to see his adorable everyday.

"Your locker is right across from mine," I practically yell at him in pure excitement.

Marcel's POV

I have never seen someone be so happy to be around me. I usually get weird looks and stars because of the way I act and dress. This is a sign that things will turn around this year.

I look at the big grin on Margie's face. I never thought a cute girl like her could like me. The way her eyes sparkled a we walked down the hallway and how lively her have was when she smiled. Surprisingly, she was very strong because when she grabbed my wrist to hurry is to our lockers she was practically dragging me. As she opened her locker I peered inside out of curiosity. She has the sassiest locker I've ever seen. It was kind with a pink zebra wallpaper that was ask covered in rhinestones and she had a little chandelier. Aside from that it was friendly, pictures of her and her friends, stickers, etc. Her locker expressed her personality.

"Wow, your locker is so..."

"Fabulous," I guess she attempted to finish my sentence with a hilarious fail. I chuckle a bit at how her sweet sense of humor wasn't forced, it made me happy.

"Do you have what you need for today because you can borrow anything of mine if you need it." Her tone was so genuine, how coitus she be so nice. She doesn't know of I'm a murder or kidnapper. Luckily I'm not.

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