Fluttering Hearts

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"Would you like to introduce yourself?" Ms. Johnson asked.

"Er ... sure. My name is Marcel."

"What kind of name is that?" Someone called out from that middle of the class. The class snickered in unison.

"You don't even know him, jeez. You don't even know where he is from!" I couldn't help but yell, it just wasn't right for them make a remark like that and not even talk to him before. My breathing increased, I balled my fist. I felt like all my anger was going to explode for no reason.

"You two can take the two available seats in the back unless you want to show him around the school." Ms. Johnson smiled. She knew what I needed, just to take a walk for a bit.

"Thanks, I think I will show Marcel around. Let's go." I walked to the classroom door angrily and swung the door open. Marcel held it open for me to walk through and I saw from the corner of my eye, him sharing his head at the class in disappointment. The door closed behind us and I took deep breaths.

"Yeah, just breath button."

"Button?" I was completely confused.

"Remember how earlier I said you were as cute as a button, button is your knew nickname from me, if you don't mind." He smiled shyly I couldn't help but laugh at how innocent he was.

"It's fine," I exaggerated every weird I spoke,"honestly, it's really cute," no over has actually given me a nickname like that before so it was really nice for me to hear.

We both unlocked our lockers and put our books inside. I opened a pencil case I had filled with dockers and pictures for my locker and put one of a heart on the inside of the door. It only represented how I felt right now, because couldn't say it allowed. We walked and talked the rest of the period. I found out that he has a beautiful voice and loves football. It was a shocker. The rest of the day went by pretty slowly. Me and Marcel suck little glances at each other and talked through out the day. Before I knew it though , it was the end of the day. We decided to meet at my locker after homeroom and talk more. That idea made me happier than I thought it would.

"Hey,"my heart fluttered when he said those words. It felt like I was in a movie.

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