18...Kujaku In Distress!

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*Imperial Rooftop*
"My beloved...is that you?" King Tskune asked.
The woman moved her hair from her eyes.
"Tskune..." she said softly.
"It is you! Kokoro!" King Tskune said as tears fell from his eyes. "Why didn't you come back to Japan!? All these years...Kang has been responsible!"
"I have no ties to Japan anymore. Or you." Kokoro said, coldly.
"Thanks to King Kuan of Vietnam, his magic binded Kokoro to live under my command until the day she or I dies!" Kang said. "The same has been done with your daughter. I formed the Sîwáng many years ago."
"Sîwáng? That's Chinese...what is that?" Jin'ichi asked.
"The Sîwáng is a band of warriors under my rule" Kang said with a smirk. "Kuan serves as my ambassador. I sent them to retrieve Kokoro and Kushina on Lady Teikuya's seventh birthday. I'm sure you remember that day. You killed one of my warriors, Chae-lin, but failed to save your beloved second wife and second daughter."
Kuan arrived onto the rooftop.
"What a marvelous reunion!" he said. "Tskune, how do you feel knowing that your precious second wife, Kokoro, is against you instead of with you?"
King Tskune stood there, staring at Kokoro with tears falling.
"I...I can't believe this. It's been so long. Kang and Kuan have been in on Kokoro and Kushina's disappearance since it happened!" He thought to himself.
"YOU WILL PAY FOR THIS!" King Tskune shouted as a heavy jolt of lightning hit him from the sky. His demeanor shifted.
"Yes...time for the battle!" Kang said sternly.

*Imperial Battleground*
"Sister?...no...it can't be." Teikuya said with a hand to her mouth.
"Yes. Behold, Lady Kushina! Princess of China!" Taka shouted.
"Kushina...Princess of China? How...how could you? China has been Japan's enemy for years..." Teikuya said.
"I am fully aware of that, sister" Kushina said. "I have been raised by King Kang. Gaining the title of The Princess of China. I now have my own throne. I don't have to stay in your spotlight. I have now my own. Thanks to the magic of King Kuan, me and my mother's emotions and feelings for Japan have been removed. Including feelings for you, and that pathetic king who calls himself my father."
"Our father is far from pathetic, Kushina! We have searched for you since the day you left!" Teikuya screamed.
"Silence!" Kushina shouted back. "That man is not my father. My father is King Kang. My mother married him, naming her The Queen of China! We will take Japan over however."
Teikuya held back tears.
"Kushina...you don't understand..." She said holding her head down. "I have missed you, dearly. I am your sister. Please...remember your love for me. For father. For Japan!"
Kushina walked up to Teikuya and lifted her head up by her chin, staring directly into her eyes.
"To hell with you. Tskune. And Japan." she said softly.
A tear rolled from Teikuya's face and down to Kushina's hand as she stared at her. Suddenly Kushina screamed and smacked Teikuya across the face, tossing her back, landing on her side.

*Imperial Crowd Section*
Mai rushed at Taina, slicing with her two Kodachi. Taina deflected every strike with her dagger. Sayyora, swung her corded claw around in the air over her head.
"Now, Hana!" Mai screamed.
Hana lept into the air barking. She then spun around quickly, releasing urine onto Sayyora's face.
"Agh! It burns, Taina! It burns!" she screamed.
Taina dodged the last swipe of Mai's Kodachi by back flipping.
"What the hell did that mutt do to Sayyora!?" Taina screamed.
"That was no regular urine" said Mai. "The intensity level of the urine makes it almost acid like. Your friend will be rubbing that out of her eyes for a while before she can do anything."
Taina's lip quivered in anger.
"You bitch! So what, you evened the odds. Still, you are going to die here." Taina shouted.
Taina cuffed both hands around her mouth and inhaled deeply. She then exhaled while spitting out a massive orb of fire.

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