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My vision was blurry, my thoughts scattered

My throat dry and my heart battered.

Mother drunk and intoxicated,

Father always out with other women and faded

Living a toxic life and losing hope

Thinking of any way possible to cope,

With the pain that they cause

Wishing everything could just pause

For a day, or even just a minute.

Trying to disconnect myself form these burdens

I call parents.

So close to drowning,

But I know I have to keep fighting

For myself, my future, my life

And just because the strangers that

Put me in this world

Decided to give me their job,

Doesnt mean my potential has been lost

In the deep void of their love

Slowly but surely,

A successful future is blooming for me.

My vision is clear now, my thoughts in order

My throat beautifully carrying my words

And my heart is finally beating to the sound

Of the anticipating drums of my soul.

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