Why do I write ?
I write because sometimes words are easier written than said.
I write because it is an outlet to express what I am feeling, what I am thinking.
I write because sometimes my throat doesn't have the strength to carry the dark and heavy words floating in my mind.
I write because no one is truly sure it's me, writing these sad things.
I write because I have a screen or a pad, separating me from the reader;
I have something to hide behind and I know this labels me a coward,
but for people like me, people who are trying to get better,
we cant help but hide our voices, our identities, behind the ink of our pens
and our faces behind our drenched, now illegible, papers.
We can't help but write our feelings down and hope to be understood.
I can't help splurging my corrupt thoughts on the wide web, because it reassures me that out of all the 7 billion people in this messed up world,
Some must understand what I feel.
Some must understand my pain, even if I don't.
This is the reason I write.