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Tyler was just about to ask what the HELL a visionary was, but had no time. Josh started to walk down the big, bright hallway and headed to what looked like a council of men and women all talking to one another. they were seated, a beautiful peace of marble in front if them. The marble was curved into the shape of an oval.  as the curve got steeper the men and women ascended along with it. the marble was just tall enough so that you could see their torsos, faces, and different assortments of crowns. Elderly men and women were on both sides of the curve, but at the peak of the arch was a beautiful young woman. she had deep ocean blue hair with hint of green that was shaved down almost to her scalp. A breathtaking, silver crown sat perfectly upon her head, it was not drowning in jewels like the rest of the council. It only held 3 diamonds all evenly spaced, all shimmering in the white light. it was simple yet elegant.

The chatter kept humming, many having puzzled look on their faces, hands moving as they spoke. tyler's heat still beating rapidly.

But all the words spilling out of their mouths stopped as soon as the 2 boys came into view. 

all eyes were on them...well, all eyes were on Tyler. the brunette felt his cheeks go warm with the attention on him.

"Josh, who is this?" asked the woman with blue hair. in a very comfortable tone, as if they've known each other for years.

"This is tyler." josh answered gesturing to the boy with his hand.

"wait,  like the tyler we assigned you? tyler joseph?'

"nope, you caught me." josh said holding up his hands in fake defense " i found a random person i found outside and brought him in." his tone obviously sarcastic.

the blue haired woman let out a laugh at josh's remark. "holy shit, i can't believe its actually you. hi, I'm ashley, nice to meet you, tyler" a smile displayed on her face.

even though she seemed to be in charge of this place, judging by the fact she had the rest of the council looked at her with a respect you can only earn and was seated at the arch of the marble platform. she acted so...normal. she did not act like a queen and you ought to be kneeling at her feet. she did not act as though she was perfect like a porcelain doll that embodied grace.


she acted like the type of friend you could talk to, laugh, and drink with. that could bring you up when feeling down, but would still totally kick your ass in an arm wrestling competition and never let you forget.

"h-hi." tyler said. completely overwhelmed with... well everything. He was thrown into a whole new world with no warning and the whiplash is catching up to him. 'why did i agree to this again?' tyler thought, wringing his hands. tyler head was spinning with worry and regret. 'WHY THE FUCK DID I DO THIS, OH GOD.' tyler's breathing became rapid, his mind racing 'i just followed a stranger to wherever he asked, I DIDNT EVEN QUESTION IT. how could i have been so-' tyler looked up to the boy who got him into this whole mess.


as tyler's eyes landed on josh every worry or doubt left his mind, a wave of comfort washed over him. the thought of even questioning if he should trust him seemed so unimaginable to tyler now.

just looking at him.

suddenly josh looked back.

tyler's eyes when wide and he did everything in his power to make it seem as though he was looking at ANYTHING else that josh. tyler's cheeks went red again, and his hands began to shake.

Ashley spoke up again, "So tyler. i know all of this must seem crazy as fuck, especially for a newcomer. so if you have any questions, ask that kid" nodding her head towards josh " i don't mean to be that bitch but, i have to go. i have a to take care of some hallo-" she was cut off by an alarm, not too loud but just enough for the whole centrum to hear. "FUCK IT. ASK JOSH"

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