Jake 1// Erika 0

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She looked a little scared so I put my arm around her, I purposely picked it😏

Erika's POV

Me and Jake went inside, He went to go get popcorn while I went to the restroom. As I got in there I quickly called my cousin Lauren, Its been so long since I've been on a proper date I didn't really know what to do. I take my phone and dial her number and it starts ringing..

Lauren; Hello?

Erika: Hey Lo!

Lauren: Hey.. Are you okay?

Erika: Yeeaahhh why???

Lauren: I've known you since forever, you don't call me in the late afternoon unless its urgent

Erika: okaaayyy fine, I'm on a date with Jake

The phone goes silent

Erika: Lo? you there? hello?


Erika: ill explain later, right now I need your help. Jake picked out a horror movie for us to see and I think i'm gonna faint

Lauren: Deep breaths, Just be yourself that's the only way he'll get to know you for you

Erika: Alright thanks Lo, I gotta go ill call you later


I get off the phone and leave the bathrooms, Jake has already bought the popcorn and is leaning against a wall looking down at his phone. He looks so cute I just wish I could tell him that without it being awkward. I walk over to him and take away his phone.. or I should probably say TRY to take away his phone, he's glued to it checking out his social media. After 5 more minutes of waiting and quickly checking my Snapchat, he finally put his phone away into his back pocket and we go inside one of the theaters.

As soon we enter it gets really cold and spooky. I try not to show it but its kinda hard when 1. you know this movie is gonna scare everything out of my soul and 2. they're trying to freeze us to death.

Pretty great start to our first ever date.

halfway into the movie I've managed to only get jump scared twice and ALMOST faint once. Awesome. I think jake's noticed im pretty scared at this point because he put his arm around me and told me 5 times that its all fake and not to worry. Ill get him back for this.

At least now ill have nightmares every 20 minutes.. GREEAATT thanks Jake.

1 point Jake /// Erika 0


Hey peeps!

I am honestly so sorry for not posting! I have been so busy with school and cheer/dance but here's another part! so sorry it's short, but I have to get to bed :/

I decide to change this up a bit, let me know if you like where this story is going :)

if you enjoyed, please vote and comment :D



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