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"Crap!I'm late again" I said as I look to the clock,it's 8:15 a.m.

I cycle up so fast I bet my hair looks like a bird nest right now but ugh who's care

"Eh y/n,you're late again?" Said shownu as he's about to enter the school gate

"Look at who's talking,you're late too loser" you said as you roll your eyes.

He then accompany you to your usual place to put your bicycle .You two was a very good friend since both of you were 5

"Shit the first class is biology,that monster-no I mean miss kim gonna chew us down,WE BETTER HURRY" Said shownu as both of us ran to biology class

"Sorry miss kim,we're late" I said as I knocked the door

Unlike usual she just smile instead of spitting fire to me and shownu,duh this is hella weird.

As I walked into the class ,my classmates are paired into two,I guess we going to do experiment today.

I look at all the pairs and there's two person who doesn't have their partner,it was Hyunrim and ki..hyun.Shownu surely gonna paired up with hyunrim because yeah they are the school Fav couple.

Then I have to be kihyun's partner.Sigh,he's my crush since my first year of high school until now,the last year of high school and I planned to tell him everything on the last day of my high school "era"

I went to kihyun's table and he's busy reading the procedure of the experiment meanwhile I just sitting besides him staring at the window

I really don't know how describe my feeling right now.Then I look to shownu's table,he mouthed good luck to me and winked me because he know that I had a crush on kihyun

Then kihyun suddenly stand up and went to take things for the experiment ,I follows him from the back incase maybe I can help him.

"There's anything that I can help?" I asked awkwardly as I rub the back of my neck

"Can you help me to take the white paper in front?" He said without even looking at me

"Su-sure can" I went to take the paper

All of the time when the experiment was held,he literally do it by himself,i just helping with simple things.It was very awkward between both of us.

I don't know how long I've stare him until he caught me

"Can you help me with this,instead of staring me for the straight 30 min"

Damnit!I was so shy.Wtf did I stare him,FOR FREAKIN 30 MIN.IT WILL LOOK SO OBVIOUSLY THAT I LIKE HIM


I went to recheck the experiment.I can feel he's staring at me

"W-why are you staring at me like that?"

"I just want to stare at you,why I can't?"


Then he leaned closer to my face,we was a few inch of each other.I bet I was flushing red that Time

"You stare at me first,so why I can't stare at your beautiful features" he said with a smile

"You looks cute when you're blushing tho" he added

I was left there dumbfounded.Did he just call me cute asfgldjd

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