17 ²

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This is the 2nd part for 17,enjoy!

"y/n,wait!" You heard kihyun half shouted to you since you're far from him

"Like seriously,what he want from me."You said to yourself as you fastened your steps

But just suddenly someone grab your hand,and it was Kihyun who's catching his breath,probably running to you , "yah I called you,didn't you hear me?" He said

You keep quiet,don't know what to said

"Look,I'm here to say I'm truly sorry for what I've done before"
Kihyun said as he look at y/n right to her eyes


"I mean why can't we be like we used to.We used to be bestfriend right? You,Seongwoo and I" kihyun added

"I thought you don't want to be friends with me anymore?" y/n said as she slowly look up to kihyun's face

"What?When I transferred here,you and Seongwoo didn't even talk to me.I was totally didn't know what to do since both of you ignored me and I decided to take a revenge by bullying you" kihyun explained as he tears up

"I didn't meant to do that,I'm trully sorry,kihyun" she said as she wipes his tears using her thumbs

It was silent for a while and kihyun said

"So,we good now?"

"Yeah,we good now" y/n said happily


After that day,the three of them became bestfriend like they used to.

They hang out together and even do their homework together.But,

Little did y/n know,both of her bestfriend actually like her and was ready to fight for her heart.

"OMG Y/N YOU SHOULD GO TO THE SCHOOL HALL RN!" Minji,y/n's new bestfriend said to her,half panting

"Why?what happened?" y/n said

"Kihyun and Seongwoo are-"

Minji didn't even finished her sentences but y/n was already ran all they way to school hall

There,she could see many students gather in circle

She came to see what happened and she saw kihyun and seongwoo's face full with bruises and small cuts.

"What-what had happened?" She stuttered

"They were fighting for about like 15 minutes until the teacher came" explained JiHoo who was standing besides her

"Look y/n,I can explain-" kihyun said with a pleaded face while Seongwoo just stare at the floor,quietly

y/n ran off before kihyun finished his sentences with a teary eyes

She hated to see her two bestfriend fighting to each OTHER.

She ran and ran without taking care what the others said

Until she hit someone's shoulder,

"I'm-I'm sorry" y/n said,sobbing

"Nah,it's okay-wow you're not okay girl" he said as he hold her hand and handed her a handkerchief to wipe out her tears

"What happened-no no.We just met why would I ask that" he said as he rub the back of his neck

After awhile,she calmed down and started a conversation with the unknown guy that keep her accompanied while she was sad

"I'm sorry for before,I ran without looking at the front" she said with a nervous laugh

"Nah,it's okay.I understand.Btw my name is kang euigeon" the euigeon guy smiled

"I'm Son y/n.Are you new a student?I haven't seen you before?"

"Ah yes,I actually was looking for the office" he said smiling,showing his bunny teeth

"Oh,come with me.I'll show you the office" y/n said and they walk their way to the office


Euigeon and y/n became bestfriend and that make kihyun and Seongwoo was kindda angry with him

It was recess time,y/n was walking with euigeon until

"y/n wait!" She heard it and look for the one who's calling her

It turned out it was kihyun and Seongwoo

"y/n wait,we're really sorry.Look we are good now" Seongwoo said as he hug kihyun,making kihyun cringe

She let out a sigh,

"I don't know what happened between you two until you guys fight,and I don't want to know" y/n said as she tuck a strand of hair behind her ear

"I hate to see you guys acted like that ,it smh hurts me.BUT I'm glad you two are good now" she added

"Anyway this is euige-"

"What are you doing here,choding!" Seongwoo said as he saw euigeon

"Oh!Ongdongie!You're this school students too?!" The guy that Seongwoo called him as 'choding' gasped

They were high fiveing each other and kihyun ,y/n was standing there,blankly

"They seem to have a great convo and we're here standing like a statue" kihyun said as he roll his eyes

y/n just let out a giggle and grab kihyun's hand all the way to the rooftop leaving choding and ongdongie

At the rooftop,she let go of kihyun's hand,

But then,he grabs her hand and put it on his chest,

"Can you feel my heartbeat?" Kihyun said as he look straight to her eye

She can fell it,it was beating so hard.She was worried

"You okay?your heartbeat wasn't normal.Let's go and see the school nurse"

"It's you who make my heart thump when you hold my hand" he smiled

"I don't understand-"

"Seongwoo had a fight with me because both of us like you" kihyun said with a smile

"But surely I am the one will succeed to make you mine" he said again,smirk plastered on his face

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