Scene 5

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Damian, Cali, and Connor are seen standing on a roof top. Damian is using a large computer to attempt to hack into Brainiac and send him a message.

Connor: It isn't working is it.

Damian: No, but I'll get there.

Cali: You know I could just grow a giant vine and climb our way up.

Damian: Yes we could risk the lives of hundreds of people, but I'd rather not.

A blinding flash of purple light is seen and they are gone.

The scene is instantly changed to the inside of a building or structure with purple lines and silver tubes everywhere.

Cali: Great what'd ya do this time?

Damian: I think I got us on the ship. I don't know how, but I've seen pictures of what the other Brainiac ship used to look like and it look pretty similar.

Connor: Okay. That's one problem solved now just to find the owner of the home.

Damian: Let's split up. (he hands them two tiny, round devices) Theses are coms. Put them in your ear and we'll be able to communicate wherever we are on the ship.

They put the coms in their ears and head off in separate directions. Connor and Cali exit on opposite sides of the stage while Damian stays in plays and pulls out the sword that Lucy gave him. He reads the words and phrases engraved on the blade. They are all things that they've said to each other at different times. Brainiac enters while he studies the sword.

Brainiac 5: Hello there boy wonder. What a beautiful blade you have there. It looks quite special. You know it was so easy finding you. Took barely any effort. So I know you wish to 'take me down', but I'm afraid you just don't match my intellect.

Damian: There are other things besides intellect required during a fight.

Brainiac 5: True, true. In this case, that's not true.

With the flick of his wrist the silver tubes wrap around Damian so that he can't move.

Brainiac 5: I have something to show you.

The tubes moves Damian to follow Brainiac into his 'study'.

Brainiac 5: I've been thinking. Out of the six of you who could I hurt the most. The answer was quite simple. Take the emotionally damaged boy who has recently fallen quite deeply in love and put him in a mind melting situation that he just can't win and BOOM. I've won.

A monitor flips on showing Lucy facing Dick and Helena with a gun pointed at each.

Brainiac 5: Now as you can see she's not totally in control of herself. You've got 3 choices she can shoot your brother, your sister, or she could simply shoot herself.

Damian: Why not just kill me? You've got me right here. You could do it with your own bare hands.

Brainiac 5: There's no strategy to that type of game. Plus this is much more fun. If you don't choose then she shoots them and puts the barrels to her own head and pull the trigger too.

Damian: What's the point in hurting me if you're just gonna kill them anyways. You'll take control of the planet and we'll all be to dead to care.

Brainiac 5: Good point, but look at it this way. When you have a hostage don't you like to slice them a bit before you finally impale them? Some people like to play games others like to cause pain I like to do a bit of both. (he rolls his eyes impatiently) Fine let's do this you pick a number 1-100 and I'll pick a number for each of them. Whichever number is closest to your dies.

Damian: 87

Brainiac: The brother it is.

Damian: NO!

On screen Lucy pulls the trigger of the gun in her right hand and shoots Dick in the head. He falls to the ground with blood pouring from his wound. Damian starts crying and yelling. Brainiac releases him on accident and decapitated seconds later. Lucy is back in control and realizes what she's done, drops the guns and starts cry. A message plays over everything.

Judge: And the verdict is...

The scene fades out.

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