Prologue part 1: A Hunger for Blood

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"In a world founded on lies, the Truth is a dangerous gift to have."

At the Royal Castle of Albion, 47th year of the Second Age

There was something serene about the silence that filled the castle. Most people were fast asleep this time of night, but Lucian still lay awake in the large bed in the royal quarters of the Albion castle, holding his wife in his arms. His fingers traced circles over the faded scars on her shoulder as he listened to her steady breathing, unable to find sleep himself.

He often couldn't, but usually found peace in listening to the soft sounds around him. The flapping of wings as a bird found its way back to the large pine tree underneath his window. The whispers of the wind as it blew through the cracks in the castle walls. The countless hasty footsteps of servants preparing for another day echoing through the halls. He heard it all and more, calming his mind in ways no sleep ever could. Yet tonight, it had him on edge.

More so for the things he didn't hear.

He turned his gaze towards the single window in the large king's bedroom. It was far into the night, the shadows of darkness creeping across the brazier-lit walls. A sliver of moonlight shone through the curtains that swayed on the soft winter's breeze. The silvery blue light flowed across the floor and folded over his beautiful wife, illuminating her bare breasts.

He took in a deep breath and kissed her forehead, feeling her stir underneath his touch. She didn't wake, even though the cold of night clawed at her exposed back. She only turned her body towards him and pulled closer towards his warmth. A content smile curled Lucian's lips. He sighed softly and savored the smell of her. A hint of jasmine and smoke filled his nostrils, taking him back to times long since passed.

It had been five years since the wretched war with the lands across the sea. Five years since he had met his wife, lost his father and had become king of Albion. A war in which so many lives had been lost. A lot had happened since then. New alliances had been made, debts had been paid, and a united army had been forged to protect all people of Etheria from harm. But all of that hadn't stopped a new war from rising in its wake.

A war that would be knocking on his doorstep one day or the other.

That, among other things, was keeping him up at night.

That, and the future of his daughter, who was soundlessly sleeping in her crib in the adjoining room. She was barely a year old, yet she had already stolen the hearts of the people in Albion. With her clear, light-blue eyes she could see to a man's soul and Lucian knew that the Truthseer gift--a gift that ran deep into his family's bloodline--was strong within her. It was Magic the Mother had given them long ago and allowed them to observe the past, the present and the future and See the Truth hidden within.

In a world founded on lies, it was a valuable and dangerous gift to have.

Lucian could only hope that world would be kind to her when she grew of age and would inevitably take the throne one day. It would be years before she was troubled with that responsibility, but the young king worried nonetheless. Knowing what he knew--what he had Seen--it was a miracle he got any sleep at all.

There was a shift in the air--a slight vibration that could only be raised by Magic. Goosebumps crawled across Lucian's skin. He knew something was wrong before it even happened.

The peaceful silence was abrupted by the sound of bells. Bells that hadn't sounded in centuries, but were so distinct, they had Lucian pushing himself from the warmth of his bed. Even though he himself had never heard the bells, he knew the sound all too well.

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