chapter 34

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Chapter 34

Chanyeol p.o.v

I ran as fast as I can. I saw the red light, I thought I can catch him there. But baekhyun doesn't stop, he's still running. I tried to shout his name. But it's too late.

I slowly walked toward the crowd. I push people one by one. I saw him lying there. His body full of blood. I kneel beside him. Yes, I cried. and I never think it will stop. "Baekhyun-ah.. "I said. Shaking his hand. "Baekhyun..."I call him again, I shake his shoulder. "BAEKHYUN!!"I shout in the crowd. I closed my eyes and let my tears drop one by one. "You know I can't live without you? Wake up baek.....please..."I begged to his body. No one take a picture of me like they know what I want, what baekhyun want. Like they know what's happening to me and baekhyun. "Nobody's here want to call ambulance? "I said.

I sat beside him, stroking his hair. I stare to his face. It looked sad. Looked like he's still sad what have he saw. I'm such a stupid...

Then,I heard sirens. I quickly pick him and put him on the bed. I hopped in the ambulance.

Baekhyun-ah, wake up. We still didn't go to cinema together. We still didn't eat at the restaurant together. We still didn't hold hand in public, where I  want to reveal our love. We still didn't do what a couple do. Please, baekhyun wake up. I don't have anybody, only my sister. Only you know that what happen to my parent. Only you know what I feel.  If you didn't wake up, who will I tell my problem? Who will tell me their problem? I squeeze his hand as hard as I can. "Cant you drive faster? "I said. I looked to his weak body.

"Baekhyun, I want live with you forever. I want to have a child with you. I want to marry you. I want we die and live forever. I want to hold your hand and you'll hold my hand until our last breath. "I said.

After arrived at the hospital, they put baekhyun's bed on the ground and ran to the operation room. Me too, I ran after them. I tried to enter the room but the nurse push me back.

I sat on the chair in front of the room. At that time I called, all of his friends, his brother, his parent,d.o and sehun.

I cover my face with my hand and continue crying. I felt my whole face burning hot because of crying.

God, please help him live... I want him to continue his live. If I can, I want to give him my life. But what can I do? I can't do anything.

"Chanyeol..."luhan call me. I looked at my left, everyone there, looked worried. This makes me more sad. D.o went sit beside me. "Hows baekhyun? "He ask. "I-I don-t k-know... "I stuttered because of crying. "Tell me all of this just a dream... "luhan said. He started to cry, his parent too, no. All of them crying  non stop, why? Baekhyun isn't here. He will comfort everyone if he's here. But he's in that operation room. Who's still fighting for live. "He can't d-" I cut d.o's word. "HE WONT DIE! YOU GET IT?! HE WONT DIE! WHY? BECAUSE WE'RE HERE! SUPPORT HIM NO MATTER WHAT! "I shout. "Calm down chanyeol, I'm sure baekhyun doesn't like you like this " Kris said.

"I should spend time more with him, all I think is just being CEO CEO CEO, until I forget my friend. He calls me a million time. But I never pick up. I always busy. Once I walked in front of him, he calls me. But I'm on the phone, I ignore him. But tommorow he'll call me like that day never exist,I'm such a bad friend "suho cried.

"We're such a bad parent. If I know this will happen, I will live with him, with baekbeom leaving our works and think about family but its too late "baekhyun's parent said.

"I always told him that I want to control the time, if I can't fixed what have I done before. But nothing good happen, it's getting worse.I gave him fake hope, he looked at me with full of believe but I just get him into that room. "I said leaning to the wall.

After 3 hours, the doctor came out. I ran to the doctor, gripping on his shoulder. "Is he okay? "The doctor sigh. "I can't do anything right now but he's not in the good condition. He's still in coma. And I think it will take a several years, because he lost a lot of blood, and we don't have a lot of pack of blood here. I'm sorry"he said. "S-so,you mean he can die? "I ask him. "I can't talk direct like this but for good, most likely, yes he can....and if he wake up. He will lost his memories but don't worry, it just for a day. He will remember everything after that "he said and leave.

I sat on the floor. Baekbeom tried to get me up, but my weak. "Hyung...I'm scared.. "I whisper. "There's not a thing to be scare of "he said. "Hyung.. you heard what that just said right? He can die... he can die! "I shout. "Yes I know, not only you love him, we all love him. All we had to do now, pray,support him, always on his side, okay? "He said. "So,stop crying, you'll not on his side if you'll continue crying "he continue. I slowly wiped my tears and stand up. "Just pray and support... "I said. He nodded. "Now..can you take his clothes at his house? I didn't have the key but baekhyun has but I can't get it now and you have the spare right? "He said. I nodded. I slowly walked out from the hospital and drive to his house.

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