Chapter One: The Night Isn't Always Calm (Rose)

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         Walking out of the walked out of the alleyway Rose noticed long hair was toppling out of the long purple cloak. She hadn’t put the hood up because it was irritating and itchy in the warm summer of Silver wood.

          Vampire numbers are increasing much to fast. This will be a long night.  She thought pulling the hood over her head slipping into the shadows, making herself rather hard to see. She moved swiftly, the click of her boots on the cobblestone walkway echoing threw the lifeless streets.  As she walked she noticed a small child no older then twelve standing in front of the jewelry store. She appeared to be looking at the sparkling necklaces on display.

           She must be a vampire; no human in his or her right mind is out this late. No less a child.   She thought as she made her way to the girl.  All the people in the village would hide in their home when the sun was setting.  They all knew that vampires were in their town, all of them had charms to protect themselves. Most knew there was a slayer as well. However what they didn’t know that it was the eighteen year old that lived in the house on the top of the hill.

            “Pretty right? I mean I could never afford it but it is lovely to look at don’t you agree?” Rose said as she stood beside the girl. She was a petite little thing, no taller then four-two maybe shorter. She looked like a fragile doll Rose once owned, short blonde hair and perfect skin. However there was one small difference between the child and her doll. This girl had ruby red eye’s, one of the few sign’s of vampirism. 

           She must not have been changed all that long ago her eyes haven’t changed to purple yet. Rose thought to herself.

          “Yes they are very pretty mother said she would buy them for me.”  The girl answered her voice soft and sweet.

          “May I ask you why you are out so late, I mean you are only a child.” Rose asked as she grabbed her gun. It wasn’t a normal gun, it was specially made to kill vampires and not human’s.

         “I am not a child.” She hissed as her fang’s slid out of her gums.  Before the girl could think of attacking Rose, the gun was pressed to the girl’s chest. In an instant the girl was on the ground, blood staining her dress.

        “You are right, you can no longer be considered a child. Heck you re not even human” Rose muttered as she looked to the horizon. When the sun came up her job was done.  She knew the sun would kill off the girl because she was still only a fledgling.

       Time to sleep Rose thought as she turned and walked toward her little house on the hill. She didn’t notice the little girl dragging herself into the shadows. When she got home she threw off the cloak and passed out on her bed, not making an attempt to change from her clothes. She laid her head on the stiff pillow and allowed herself to fall into a deep slumber.

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