Chapter Two: Lazy Girl (Nikolai)

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    This slayer had a friend that went by the name Nikolai M. Everheart. He was a feminine looking boy. He had a natural sliver hair that sparkled in the sunlight, a lovely pair of green eyes and a baby face. Growing up he was a crybaby and whined to Rose a lot.  However, in current days he is quite good looking and catches unwanted attention from ladies.


            Nikolai walked on the small path lined with a variety of flowers.  Rose hadn’t wanted them to be planted. However, he made her help him plant them.  He had made her because, without the colorful flowers, the home was “scary” as the town’s people had put it. The home was old and worn with a willow draping over its roof, casting the home in an endless shadow. Even if the villagers find the home scary. He didn’t, maybe it was because he had come here so much. He made his way to the old oak door and opened it up with a creak. He knew Rose always left the door unlocked and was constantly telling her how dangerous it was. Of course, she refused to listen.  He walked into the small home to find it was in a mess after he had cleaned it the day before.

           It’s only been a day. How can she mange to make such a mess? He thought to himself as he sighed. He and Rose were friends, but he had always felt she thought of him as a housemaid. He picked up the cloak and laid it over his arm and then putting it in the closet. He walked into the kitchen and began his normal routine. He first made breakfast for himself and Rose. Then he went about cleaning up any of the messes Rose made.  Then came the task of waking her up. Now, he had been doing this as long as he could remember but no matter how much he did it, it didnt get any easier.  He walked in to her room, which was in need of dusting. He first shook her shoulders.              .      “Rose wake up please. Its already nine.” He tried to be nice; she simply mumbled "five more minutes" and pulled the blanket over her head. Nikolai sighed and pulled the blanket off of her, and again she just hid under her pillow, being stubborn as always. Finally he just grabbed her up, as if she was a bride, and he carried her out the door. He took her to the pond out back, and with a splash she was awake. This was one of the only ways he could wake her; sometimes he just poured a bucket of water on her.                  

    "HEY THAT HURTS YOU KNOW!" Rose yelled at him. He was already on his way to the house, not listening to rose's yelling he was used to the yelling. He went into the kitchen and began to eat the meal he made. A few minutes later, Rose walked in with a new pair of clothes, on her hair pulled into a messy braid. He ate his plate of toast and a bit of egg's Rose got a plate with bacon, eggs, toast, and some orange juice.                   

      "You know there are a lot more pleasant ways to wake me up you know,” she said scarfing down toast and egg's.                   

    "That's the most effective way to wake you up and you know it ...watching you eat like a slob is just as pleasant as me waking you up," he said as he looked at her crumbs on her face.                            .  

     "Wafts wrong wif the wah I eat," she muttered, her mouth full. She stopped only to swallow. "I'm sorry I can't be miss perfect,” she muttered under her breath as she went back to eating her breakfast.                   

    "You don't need to be perfect but at least finish chewing before you speak. I swear, aren't you at all interested in getting a husband? You're already eight teen. At the very least, find a man who you’re interested in and stop sleeping till noon. Oh, and stop making so mu-" but before he could finish Rose cut him off.                   

     "I don't need a husband. I have you," Rose said finishing her meal. Whether he knew it or not, she loved him. Of course, he had no idea she was a slayer and she wouldn't tell him. She cared too much for the pure boy. That is to say he is sweeter than sugar and she just couldn't take that away from him. She would never.                       

     "Why are you always tired anyway? " Nikolai asked in curiosity. He normally didn't ask this but every now and then he did. It was not a natural sleep pattern she runs on.                   

     "Why aren't you working? I mean you have your job. How's that going by the way? " She asked switching the topic. Nikolai noticed she did this anytime she didn't want to share something and he just went along with it.                  

     "The blacksmith is a nice man. He gave me a raise and is teaching me so much. I'm happy at this job," he answered with a smile on his face. Rose looked at her watch and then rushed around getting dressed.                  

     "I have to go get a delivery. Do the dishes, thanks bunch's, "she said as she was out the door, not waiting for a reply.                   

      And she's gone. He thought as he picked up the dishes and began to clean, cursing under his breath.

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