Realizing their feelings

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* Poor boy tries his hardest to impress you
* Writes TONS of really broken songs for you
* Skips Baseball practice to meet up with you
* Lots of compliments
* Realized he liked you after you sat and listened to him sing
* You're his Go to for music advice
* You get called more pet names now and he also started putting his arm around you

* He met you through Mondo
* You always admired the shorter male
* He came out and told you he was a boy. That's when he fell for you
* You trained with him so he could become stronger
* Training would end with you both going to his house to watch a movie
* He would cuddle you and eventually fall asleep on you
* He would wake up with you spooning him like a teddy bear,not that he would mind

* Toko was writing furiously
* You had been one of the few people she called a friend
* She realized that she liked you after you had protected her from some bullies
* Ever since then She's clung to you for dear life
* You never pushed her off though.
* You've even got her gifts. Notebooks, pens, heck you even got her a Typewriter for her birthday
* As she continues to daydream about her future with you, her writing becomes faster.

* The poor guy had no idea what to do
* He was trying his best to focus on homework but you were on his mind
* You were a hard worker. Just as the (ultimate talent) should be
* He adored how passionate you were
* You started hanging out with Chihiro and Mondo, they introduced you to him.
* You were always so kind and respectful to him. You always followed rules and he admired you.
* He remembers the day you made him a flower crown to wear.
* He lets out a loud groan before his head hit his desk. You weren't leaving his mind anytime soon

* She fell for you literally
* When she fell, you instantly helped her cover up
* You were always so kind to her
* After the first incident, you started talking to her more
* You even stood up to her bullies for her
* She slowly started craving your attention more often
* She would make sure that you'd never get hurt.

* You initially had her attention with you Talent
* As you got to know her though, she became more attached
* You helped her with Souda which she was forever grateful
* You treated her like a normal girl and she loved that.
* She realized that she liked you when you joined her in an all night Jdrama marathon
* She woke up tucked into her bed, her room cleaned and you beside her, holding her waist from behind.
* She never forgot that night. She now plans for Jdrama night every weekend

* He always treated you like an equal
* Never degraded you when you spoke to him
* he realized he liked you when you helped him with the animals
* He let you wear his scarf
* Loves watching you play with the hamsters
* He now asks you to go on walks with him
* He wants to hold your hand, gently reaching for it before blushing and pulling away.

* He always pushed you away but you always came running back
* You treated him not like a master or a Yakuza. You treated him like a human
* He realized he liked you when you made him Fried Dough Cookies
* You also brought him Almond Milk because Peko told you about his Dairy problem
* He tried to act like it wasn't a big deal but he was really touched that you did that
* He stopped pushing you away and welcomed you
* He still tried ignoring his feelings until he was laying in bed one night.
* All he could think of was you and how he wanted to hold you.
* This only ended when he laid face down onto the pillow and let out an annoyed yell.

* Hes always been attracted to you but never knew why.
* He followed you like a lost puppy till you noticed him
* When you became friends, He adored you more
* He would always ask you to hang out after school
* He realized he loved you when your eyes lit up when you talked about your Ultimate talent.
* Further confirmed when you fell asleep on him while watching a movie at your house.
* Now he's always blushing and always tries to impress you.
* he always fails though

* He originally intended to kill you
* But after his sister claimed that you were better alive and told him to befriend you, He did just that
* He would often talk about folklore with you
* He fell for you when you showed kindness to him, holding him after a long conversation
* He feels relaxed when you hold him and play with his hair.
* His sister also has grown attached to you but does not wish for you to die.
* Kiyo starts blushing more, not that you would notice with his mask

DanganRonpa Boyfriend/girlfriend scenariosWhere stories live. Discover now