Their favorite scents

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*strong cologne
*fires pretty lit (I'm so sorry)
*he seriously likes the smell of smoke
*The smell of dirt and grass
*Finally clean laundry is amazing

* vanilla candles
*Warm noodles
* Baked goods

*Books of coarse
* Ink and pens
* your clothes and perfume
* The smell of candles

* Text books
* clean uniforms
* your perfume or shampoo

* Old books
* Strong tea
*new shoes

*Rubbing alcohol
* She finds the smells of hospitals comforting
*Shampoo is really nice
*citrus smells are nice too

* Flowers
*perfumes are amazing
*Tea is a great smell
* again the smell of old books

*Oof okay he likes the smell of Dog shampoo
* He also likes the smell of grass
*Hes also fond of the smell of cookies
* The smell of a campfire is also quite enjoyable

* He likes the smell of coffee
*sweets and baked goods
*Fried dough cookies are the best
*Flowers are also really nice

* He sorta likes the smell of Gasoline
*He loves the smell of just washed laundry
* your perfume is like a drug to him
* of coarse the smell of soda as well

* He enjoys the smells of candles
* Spices like cinnamon are also pretty good
* He LOVES the smell of rain
* He's also quite fond of the smell of old books

*This boy adores the smell after it rains
* Flowers are also very nice
* Hes fond of soft perfumes
* He also likes the smell of dirt and grass

* Loves the smell of licorice
*Most bakes goods are nice too
* The smell of tennis balls is also quite nice
*He knows that's cringy
* Also He likes the smell of your hair after you wash it.

* This kids weird
* He likes the smell of smoke bombs
* Face paints pretty nice too
* He loves the smell of Grape Panta
* or just any sweet smells

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