Soulmate AU

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AU where if you fall in love with someone, a red tally mark appears on your wrist, if they love you back it's black, if they die it scars over
* You had been friends with Leon for a long time
* You noticed how he always kept his arms covered and you never knew why.
* Until you caught him changing on accident.
* He was covered in little marks. Most red, a few black and some scarred over
* Your eyes widened as he panicked
* you calmly showed him your own arm
*To your surprise, the red mark that was once there was now black.
* Your face flushed dark before Leon hugged you gently.
* He apologizes ahead of time, regretful that you fell for him.

AI where you have the others SHSL Talent tattooed on your wrist
*You would silently trace the tattoo
* Lines of numbers
* You mumbled, not understanding it at all
*You thought they were useless numbers
*Until your Friend Chihiro decoded them
*"It spells Love in Binary code"
* You blushed Until Chihiro showed you his wrist
* "I guess you're my soulmate. That explains my crush on you"

You can talk to your soulmate in your head/Telepathy
*You sighed and listened to the female going off in your head
*You always felt slightly crazy,with 2 voices along with your own
* Toko was always degrading herself and treated herself badly
*Jack on the other hand was clearly insane and talked about murder a lot
*You quickly adjusted to the constant voices and even managed to hold some good conversations
*Toko would talk about her newest writings to you and you would give your feedback
*There were times that you had to hold back your laughter in class from her
*She claimed she never wants you to see her because oh how ugly she claims she is
*When you see her face to face for the first time, she covers her face and hides.

Soulmate AU where you can see every color except their eye color until you see them.
* You always felt a little uncomfortable not being able to see red
*people would tell you how it looked
*it looked like a fires embers or like the Petals on a rose.
*you always wanted to see it
*one day you were running down the halls, late to class
*as you turned a corner, you ran into someone
*Apologizing, you got up and offered a hand
*when the other opened his eyes, he gasped
*Dark ruby red eyes stared back at you

AU where if your soulmate gets cuts or bruises they appear on you as well
* You groaned as you looked at your legs
*new scrape marks and cuts appeared on them
*You swore that you'd invest in a helmet and knee pads for them
*After class you went to the nurses office to get some band aids for your knees
*The young girl who sat there gave a small smile before turning around and slipping
*she hissed slightly in pain and held her hand
*you went to help her but noticed a new cut formed on your hand
*after you helped her, you grabbed her hand
*"I'm getting you a helmet and kneepads now"

Soulmate AU where everything is in black and white until you touch your soulmate
*it was so boring
*kind of irritating when people would describe colors to you with such passion
*you sighed and sat outside with your book, ignoring the sounds of couples giggling,
*Sonia had noticed you and walked towards you
*she asked if she could join you, politely of coarse
*you accepted and help out your hand so she could sit
*the second her hand touched yours, colors started appearing.
*You gasped, staring at her in awe
*she did the same with you before hugging you, laughing about how she found you.

AU When you dream, you dream of your soulmate
*Animals were always a big part of your dreams
*They would constantly lead you somewhere
*Last night you finally saw him
*Your soulmate sat with his face buried in a purple scarf
*When you approach him, he tells you to stay back
*Hes dangerous
*so you sit the grass, weaving a flower crown
*you place it on his head and smile
*"You're not dangerous if you're wearing a flower crown!"

AU where if you draw on yourself with pen,it appears on your soulmate
*His eyes widened as he stared at himself in the mirror
*really cool drawings covered his whole left arm
*"What the actual fuck..."
*he quickly grabbed a pen and wrote on his other arm
*"Who the fuck are you?"
"Who the fuck are you?"
"I asked you first"
"I'm (name)
*he continues to talk to you via his right arm
*its eventually covered in scribbles and notes
*"Fuyuhiko since you're my soulmate, we should meet up"
*He scribbled a reply before putting on his suit and dashing to a small Diner he invited you too.

AU where you have a strip on your wrist symbolizing your soulmates hair color and it changes if they dye it
*You were so used to seeing the black strip on your wrist
*one day you woke up and it was a crazy pink
* You were so shocked and knew that now was your chance to find him
*You ran around the school, trying to find anyone with pink hair
*You stopped when you saw a male with the same pink hair as the mark on your wrist.
* You quietly approached the male
*He was shocked when he saw your wrist and then compared his own to your hair
*"Perfect match huh..."
*He gave you a shark like grin and a big bear hug.

Red string Soulmate AU
*You stared at the red glowing string
*You had been doing a ton of research on it but found little to nothing,
*You constantly we're searching for your soulmate
*You eventually were lead into the Library
*You his behind a bookcase and peeked out to see him
* You hid again as he approached you, grabbing your hand.
* His eyes stared into your soul
*as you both started chatting, he put his arm around your waist and walked to a local diner.
*"I know this my precious sister..."

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