Telling them your pregnant as a "prank"

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(Sorry this took so long. This might not be as good as you hoped and The past 2 weeks have been super busy for me. Anyway this was requested by Luna4805)

*"Baby, I'm pregnant."
*You heard a sharp gasp come from the red head who sat beside you
*"Wait...what the hell Babe?"
*He let out his signature awkward smile
*Even though he was smiling, his eyes showed panick
*"W-We're so young holy shit."
*His hands tangled into his hair and gently yanked it, trying to relieve anxiety
*After a few seconds he sat up and clung to you while panicking
*"L-Leon babe...I was joking"
*He pulled away giving you an unamused look
*"That shit wasnt funny you hoe."
*He flicked your nose before getting up and storming off
*When he comes back You apologize for messing with him and he just pulls you close to him.
*"Dont scare the shit out of me like that."
*More like dont get my hopes up.

*You were cuddled up on Chihiros lap while he played on his computer
*You hummed and snuggled into his neck
*"Chihiro what if I told you that you were going to be a father."
*You felt him tense up under you
*"U-Um...I guess...Thats pretty nice!"
*You giggled when you felt him squeeze you gently
*"Honey I was trying to prank you"
*He chuckled and kissed your cheek
*"Oh well...Now you know I'm ready when you are"
*You couldnt help but giggle again and kiss him

*"Honey I'm Pregnant"
*Holy shit cue the tears
*He instantly curls into a ball and almost has a panic attack
*You panic and quickly calm him
*"Baby Calm down we havent even..."
*You pull him into your arms and just rock him
*He mumbles about his life goals and how being a dad so soon wasnt one of them
*After a while of rocking him, he calmed down
*You continued to hold him and apologized.

*You faked tears in your eyes as Byakuya walked into the living room
*He raised an eyebrow and sat next to you, asking what was wrong
*"....Im pregnant"
*His eyes widened and he held his breath
*He let out an awkward cough before rubbing your back
*He tried comforting you the best he could
*"I won't force you to get rid of them or to keep them. I understand either way"
*You finally broke the act and kissed his cheek
*He wasn't amused by your foolish nature but he wasn't angry either

*You yawned and snuggled closer to your boyfriend
* You felt his hands resting on your stomach so you decided to mess with him
*You placed your hands on top of his and sighed happily,
*"Hiro can you do a prediction?"
*He happily nodded and shut his eyes, Laying his head on your shoulder
* You smirked and whispered "daddy" you heard him gasp
*"W...We're going to be parents?!"
*You pretended to act shocked before giggling to yourself
*You told him it was a prank
*He wasnt too happy but you reassured him

*You were cooking while Nagito sat behind you.
*"Komaeda can you check to see if the food is done in the oven?
*He smiled and get up to check
*"Um...are you making bread?"
*You rolled your eyes and smirked.
*He pulled out the baked bread from the oven and thought for a moment.
*You knew he finally got it when he gasped loudly and hugged you from behind
*"We're going to be parents?!"
*You giggled and hugged him back.
*He told you he was worried
*B-But Im trash...oh what if my luck-"
*You stopped him and told him you were playing.
*He was relieved
*"Maybe later on. I think now is too soon..."


*You were currently sick in your bathroom
*Gundham sitting behind you, trying to help in any way
* When he asked you what was wrong, You just blurted out "Im Pregnant"
*He was in shock until you got sick again
*"A-are you serious (Y/N)"
*You leaned against him and yawned, avoiding his question to see how he would react.
*He looked like HE was going to be sick
*You sighed and hugged him gently
*"No Love I'm just sick."
*He quickly relaxed and hugged you back
*"That wasn't funny my love"

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