Part 1

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If I could say, my life is perfect, cause I have a lot of friends. Plus, I also has lots of talent, which is: I can play piano, basketball, playing games, rapping, singing, drawing, and dancing . Also I've got too addicted with NIKE stuff :V So sometimes, my friends told me that I'm a tomboy, and they even told me that they scared if i'm actually a lesbian (but i'm not). But, not my family (I will tell about that later).

So today, there was something happening, on that time I'm in class with my friend talking until class started, (you know girls :V).

After sometime, the class started, Miss Grace (my form teacher) (Oo yea, I haven't tell something about my teacher, Miss Grace. I kinda hate her, because she's very annoying, especially on social media and she always updated a post everytime, especially Instagram :V)

After some of time, she come to class (but she is so different and more serious today) and said, "attention everyone, we have a new students that move to our school today and transferred to our class, he will be here soon, so be nice and friendly to him ok. If I see some of you doing something not nice, I will put you on the SOC (Students Of Concern) and I will tell your parents". "And Jimin, try to introduce yourself".

"Annyeonghaseo! My name is Jimin!" the boy introduced himself and talk about his life when he's still in Busan.

(I hate this thing actually :V) Miss Grace, let the boy sit beside me -_- (since there is nobody sit beside me today :V) I felt awkward at that moment. I know I have lots of friends that is a boy, but I don't know why, I feel awkward when a new student sit beside me.

Jimin's POV:

Today is the first day I moved to another school (new school). I prepared everything that I need, and I used my new school uniform (and I think it makes me look ugly -_-, but whatever).

I arrived at the school, try to find my find class, try to find my form teachers, classmates (everyone that can help me to find and lead me to my new class).

Finally, after an hour, I found my form teachers, it was Miss Grace. Well, she is kind and help me to go to my new class. (I know, it's hard for me to be a students, especially new students, but I try my best to not to make any trouble to my new friends and teachers).

I go inside the class with Miss Grace, and she said "attention everyone, we have a new students that move to our school today and transferred to our class, he will be here soon, so be nice and friendly to him ok". If I see some of you doing something not nice, I will put you on the SOC (Students Of Concern) and I will tell your parents." "And Jimin, try to introduce yourself".

(Damn, this teachers tell you how to not to be a badass) I said in my heart.

Then she let me to introduce myself.

I tell what is my name and talk about Busan (like the foods, environment, what place should we travel on there, etc).

After that, Miss Grace told me to sit beside a girl, since there is no one sitting beside her and the chair is empty. I know is awkward to sit beside a girl, but from what I see, from the very first time I saw this girl, I think that, this girl are different, I think that she's quite pretty and smart (from what I look on her face), maybe she can help me to know about the new school.

Annyeonghaseyo eperibodi! Hope you like the story! (It's still part 1 tho :V) But don't worry, I promise I will try my best to continue the story in fast and make it interesting!! And thanks for read my story!

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