chapter two -allergies

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Jayden kaspbrak was sitting with her mother when she heard the footsteps of the boys about to leave the house.

"Eddie bear where you boys off to in such a rush?" eddie and jayden's mother asked.

"um j-j-just my back yard mrs K i got a new..." bill replied.

" a new croquet set, jeez spit it out b-b-bill" richie cut in.

"ok but your taking your sister with you eddie," Mrs k said. the boys didn't mind Jayden coming with them so they nodded.

"okay" Eddie replied

"oh and sweetie don't go rolling around on the grass especially if its just been cut, you know how bad your allergies can get. and keep your sister safe you know how emotional she is." Mrs k said.

"yes mom" eddie replied.

Jayden didn't like it when her mom called her emotional, it made her feel weaker than everybody else. one thing jayden wished for was a bit of independence however with her mother it was highly unlikely. jayden stud up and walked over to the boys.

"kids aren't you forgetting something" Mrs k  asked.

both Jayden and Eddie walked over to their mother and first eddie kissed her cheek and jayden kissed her head and the boys laughed at them.

"do you want one from me too Mrs k" richie joked and eddie shoved the boys out the door.

"sorry mommy" Jayden said and so did eddie.

and then they all rode off on their bikes.


"thats poison ivy and thats poison ivy and thats poison ivy" stanley said.

"where, wheres the poison ivy" Eddie questioned. Jayden laughed at eddie.

"no where, not every fucking plant is poison ivy stanley" richie said.

"okay well I'm starting to get itchy now and I'm pretty sure this is not-" eddie was cut off by richie.

"do you use the same bathroom as your mother"

"sometimes yeah."

"then you probably have krabbes."

"thats so not funny" eddie replied.

"stop it richie, sometimes your so immature" jayden said. Jayden was holding a coin in her hand. she carried it every where, it was a comfort to her. it was the last thing georgie gave her before he went missing. you would never see jayden without the coin in her hand.

"aren't you guys coming in" richie asked as jayden, stanley and eddie still had not walked in.

"nu uh, its grey water" eddie said.

"what the hell is grey water?" richie asked.

"its basically piss and shit so I'm just telling you, you guys are splashing around in millions of gallons of derry pee" eddie replied.

richie had been carrying a stick so he picked it up and smelled it and jayden looked at him in disgust.

"what are you doing richie" jayden asked with a hint of laughter at the end of her sentence. richie always brought out the hyper jayden when he was around because jayden found him funny.

"are you serious what are you-" eddie said.

"doesn't smell like caca to me señor" richie said and jayden laughed.

"ok i can smell that from over here" eddie said.

"probably just your breath wafting back into your face" richie said.

"have you ever heard of a staph infection" eddie exclaimed.

"oh ill show you a staph infection" richie commented.

"this is so unsanitary, this is literally like swimming in a toilet bowl" eddie said. however jayden's attentions now on bill who was holding  a sneaker.

"guys" bill said

" shit don't tell me thats-" stanley said.

"no g-g-georgie wore galoshes" bill said.

"who's sneaker is it?" Eddie asked.

"its betty ripsoms" richie answered.

"oh shit, oh god oh fuck, i don't like this" eddie muttered.

"how do you think betty feels running around these tunnels with only one fricking shoe." richie joked

jayden was now officially terrified. "what if she's still here" stanley said.

"please don't say that stan" jayden said.

"sorry" he apologised. jayden's and stanleys relationship was purely a close friendship they always stuck by each other .

"eddie come on" richie shouted as him and bill walked further into the tunnel.

"mine and jayden's mom will have an aneurysm if she finds out we were playing down here I'm serious" eddie said.

"bill" eddie said looking at bill.

" if i was betty ripsom i would want us to find me, g-g-gerogie too"

"i agree with bill" Jayden said.

"what if i don't want to find him, i mean no offence bill but i don't want me or jayden ending up like Geor-... i wouldn't want us to go missing either" eddie said.

"he has a point" stan said agreeing with edie.

"y-y-ou too" bill said.

"its summer were supposed to be having fun, this isn't fun this is scary and disgusting" stanley said just as ben appeared in the water with a splash, he was beaten and bloody. jayden knew ben from having small conversations as he was the new kid and she wanted him to feel welcome.

"holy shit what happened to you" richie exclaimed.


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