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(Nine years later)

I was walking in the mall with my best friend Gabby when I saw him.He was standing in the food court right by the Subway counter.There was something vaguely familiar about him,the way he walked and the way his smile turned up when he laughed.He was with another girl (also familiar),but by their body language you could tell they were far from a couple.They could easily pass for brother and sister,or like really close friends.

"Hello,Ann? I'm having a life crisis and your not even paying attention to me?"Gabby said.Her real names Gabrielle but Gabby is what everyone calls her,mainly because she never stops talking.

"Sorry where were we?Something about Josh not asking you to the dance yet?"I asked confused.Gabby has had a crush on Josh since sixth grade.She always inferred that they were already practically dating because he asked her for her pencil ten times in the last two months.She was all frazzled that he hasn't asked her to the dance yet,even though the dance is about three months away.

"It doesn't matter,for now.Who are you staring at?"She asked.

"The blonde boy over by the Subway counter."I admitted,there was no talking Gabby out of solving the mystery.She is the biggest gossip I know and she has to know everything.Well everything except stuff like math and other school subjects.


"The boy in the Captain America shirt.He's by the girl in the pink shirt and a maching pink and black patterned skirt."

"I don't see anyone like that."

"Really, there, right there!"

"Alright we have two possibilities here: 1,Your completely bonkers. or 2,Your mother is a shadowhunter and she hasn't told you and now a block spell is wearing off and you can now see a demon hunt."

"Is that the only book you read?"

"No,I had to read it and do a paper on it."

"Is there a three?"

"Nope,not at this minute"She said.The boy looked over to where we were standing.We locked eyes,he gave a smile and winked like there was something we only knew.Then he led the girl away who turned to look at me.Her face lit up and she raised her hand to wave.Before she could a fat guy that was carrying a tray from Burger King almost ran into them.

"Well,Psycho,we at least know your imaginary friends eat healthy."Gabby said jokingly.I felt a twinge,like a memory coming up but it couldn't completely surface.The couple was gone but I still felt as if they were there.

And they were,I saw them again at a dress shop Gabby forced me into.She knew better than to try to force me into a dress so I was stuck waiting for her to come out of the dressing room and giving my opinion.Which never mattered.

The mysterious girl was piling the boy up with dresses.The girl seemed like she was having a real good time, the boy, not so much.Soon the girl disapeared into the dressing rooms and the boy colapsed into one of the chairs on the other side of the room.

"So,how does this one look?"Gabby asked.As usual she looked amazing.It perfectly mached her dark hair and eyes.

"Looks great."I said.She gave out a sigh.

"You always say that. I might as well bring my brother,at least he'd say what he was really thinking."

"That is what I was thinking"

"No you were thinking how hot that guy is over there!"I could feel myself blushing.

"So now you can see him?"I asked.

"Ya,of course.O,wait,that was that one boy from the food court that you were talking about."

"Yep.I knew I wasn't crazy."

"Well,I'm going to go change into the other one,that should give you two enough time to talk."She said scurring to the changing rooms.I looked over and the boy was walking right towards me.


Hey!What did you think?

Who's the couple?

What book was Gabby talking about?


- Jinx

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