:Chapter 5:

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I was in my room with Grim sitting in his little tower of doom. Currently I was trying on dresses for when Andrew would pick me up. I told myself not to get involved yet here I was pretty much going on a date with him.

I was such an idiot. The biggest idiot out there when it came to werewolves. I knew exactly what would happen. He'd be so sweet and I loved sweet and I'd fall for him. Then he laid down the mates. I shook head clear of any of those thoughts before pulling out a dress.

It was a grey satin flare skirt and it was cute. With that I discarded my pajamas that I had been in all day and slipped on the skirt. It was soft on the skin. I got out a pair of my cat thigh highs and smiled as I put them on.

After that came a pair of grey chunky heeled boots along with a grey coat with fur ends for the sleeve. I smiled at my reflection before grabbing my bag and walking outside when I heard the soft hum of an engine.

Outside of my place was a black BMW I8, an expensive sports car. Of course it'd be fit for a son of an alpha who owned a big business. The door opened and a nervous Andrew stepped out biting his lip. Looks like I might be able to have control of the situation for once when it came to werewolves.

They always wanted to be in control. Werewolves wanted something so they tended to get it. Werewolves were typically successful people in the long run. They were lawyers, business people, therapists and big time people. They knew the formula to success.

But werewolves weren't doctors. That's what a pack doctor was for. Usually 1 to 3 pack doctors. It was hereditary or it sparked an interest. But pack doctors were what werewolves went to. They had an office away from prying eyes meant for werewolves and accepted some other supernatural if necessary.

"Y-You look nice Orchid." Andrew said with a stutter. When comparing him to the werewolf I knew he was much more shy. The werewolf I knew was dominant but sweet. Andrew seemed to be sweet from the few encounters we had but that didn't mean he was sweet all the time but I could only hope he was the sweet boy he appeared to be.

"I got reservations for Opal." Andrew said with a smile as he opened the door for me. I got in. I didn't own a car I prefered walking and ordering groceries online. Yes I had a computer as I required one since I was a witch. 

Some ingredients could only be bought online. Andrew got in and pulled the car out of the driveway just as Yin came over from the trees watching us. I waved him off saying Andrew wasn't a threat and to go back and guard the perimeter.

Yin and Yang guarded the grounds and Grim inside. I did love my cats as they were my only three familiars. Yes a little clique a cat and a witch. But my cats were useful and just there for me to appear evil because I was not evil. I used both light and dark magik.

"So how was your day?" Andrew asked. "Just did some chores and waited for the time when you'd come and pick me up." I told him. "I wasn't late right?" Andrew asked now alarmed. "You were on time now focus on driving." I told him. Andrew nodded and focused on getting us to Opal's.

It was a twenty minute drive to Opal's which was worth it

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It was a twenty minute drive to Opal's which was worth it. Andrew did his best gentleman he could be with opening doors for me. Now we were in line waiting to be brought to a table by a waiter or waitress. 

Andrew had his wallet out which had cash in it along with a credit card, a library card and something else. I didn't know what that something else was though. Soon the line was moving and then it was our turn. "Reservations for Andrew Ashford, a table for two." Andrew said.

The waitress tapped the screen. "54.67." She said. Andrew handed her some cash and she gave his change back. Andrew smiled at me. "You know the clothes weren't worth that much and neither was the soup." I told him. "Double the worth." Andrew said with a smile on his face as a waiter led us to a table.

The table was lit with a candle in the middle and a vase with flowers. Andrew's cheeks went red instantly as we sat down. Andrew pulled the chair out for me before sitting down. "Here's the menus, my name is Emanuel. I'll be back for the order and drinks." 

Then the waiter was gone. I opened the menu and scanned over it waiting for the waiter to come back. "Do you eat out at places like this a lot?" I asked. "Depends." Andrew murmured. "You the shy one of the family?" I asked with a smile.

"I. I'm the prankster actually. One lizards make the way into the house I usually aided them." Andrew said with a smirk. "You didn't strike me as a prankster." I said. "And you didn't strike me as the evil witch they talk about." Andrew said. "You have to get to know me to see my evil witch side." I said with a smile. "Yeah once you get to know me I'll come off a sarcastic prankster bastard as being an omega makes me a target." Andrew said. "You don't seem like a bastard. You seem sweet." I said.

"To you."

Andrew then focused on his menu. Emanuel came back. "I'll take tea. Strong." I told him. "What kind?" Emanuel asked. "Chamoilline." I told him. Being a witch meant I knew all sorts about herbs. Chamomile flowers calmed the nerves and cured insomnia with ease and were also part of the nine herbs recipe.

The 9th herb is a mystery but I know what is. Mil. Celtic for honey. Honey is has everything needed  for life and a healing agent and a binding agent. Also made tea absolutely delicious. But yeah that's the nine herbs. Being a witch in my opinion was very beneficial to some things.

Emanuel came back with our drinks. "What can I get you two to eat?" Emanuel asked. He was young, like a teenager since he was covered in acne. Human too. Definitely not interesting to me as he seemed to be a teenager who acted as if life was perfect.

Life was a bitch.

I knew that and one day Emanuel would know that. Life waits for absolutely no one and if you can't catch a rock in the river you are taken down the current. I found that out the hard way. My rock was my familiar and magik.

I did not perform witchcraft. I don't worship the devil and attempt to summon demons. Satan was more for Isabella. Isabella says he is very cocky and ignorant. So yeah no selling my soul to demons not my type of a thing. "I'll have the ribeye steak with mashed potatoes." Andrew said glancing at Emanuel.

"I'll take the Italian chicken." I said. "Will go put the order in." Emanuel said before leaving us alone with ourselves and drinks. "Big meals a werewolf thing?" I asked. "I'm eating for myself and Midnight." Andrew said. I nodded as Andrew took a sip of his soda.

Andrew ordered pepsi. "Thank you for this." I told him. "No problem. I know we'll be seeing each other a lot more often. The rogue attack wasn't just any and I'd like to stay with you." Andrew said. "Wards." I reminded him. "Of course but trust me we will see each other a lot more often."

Oh how far I had gone with this werewolf of mine.

1310. Yeah. Until next time werewolf marshmallows.

 Until next time werewolf marshmallows

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