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Sami Zayn has joined the chat
Kevin Owens has joined the chat
Enzo Amore has joined the chat

SunshineSami |
Why am I in this?
Helloooo? Assheads
I can see you reading my messages Neville.

Neville |
I need help.

Kevin |
Loool, Sami is the one that needs help. Look at his username.

real1 |
Girl problems? I can help you with that

Neville |
I remember last time you tried to 'help'. I still don't forgive you for that, you knew that she was mine.

real1 |
Forgive and forget bro. It's the way of life

Neville |
If I could slap you through my phone I really would.

real1 |
Who pissed in your cereal today? lmao

Kevin |
Girl problems again? Let me guess, you started with your pick up lines?

SunshineSami |
Gets them every time. Isn't that right Neville?

Neville |
In my defence, I thought I was doing really good.

SunshineSami |
That's what you always say.

real1 |
what does she look like ? 👀

Neville |
Here's the thing. I would show you but -

real1 |

You think I'm going to steal your girl? Well at least you know .

They don't just call me mrstealyogirl for nothing

Kevin |
Things just got real

SunshineSami |
Gotta zayn

SunshineSami has left the chat

Kevin |
Sami is just too pure for this world 😂

Neville |
I give up with you guys

Neville has left the chat

Kevin |
Welp. It was fun.

Kevin has left
real1 has left

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