A Ride Home

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While the Pines twins were having a heart-to-heart upstairs, Norman took some alone time to listen to his music and reflect on the day's events.

What worried him most was the nature of the ghosts here. Besides Agatha, Norman had never seen a ghost quite so expressive and vulgar, like the dead trucker, or so powerful, like the vegan Nazi. All the ghosts he met were usually extremely docile, and they could voice their opinions, but they kept to themselves, enjoying death. There as also the fact that other people besides him could see ghosts. In Gravity Falls, it seems everything is different.

He decided not to stress about things out of his control. Instead, he relaxed and enjoyed the soothing tones of his music.

A few minutes later, the twins returned downstairs and  Mabel was holding up a yellow square of paper.

"Found the map!" she said, "Now, time to find that motel."

Mabel unfolded the map and laid it out on the floor. The large map was yellowed, stained,  and a bit torn in places, but it was still readable. It was a complete map of Gravity Falls and the surrounding woods, but it was very dated.

"What year is this from?" Dipper asked. 

"No idea," Mabel said, "but it can't be that old. Look, it's the Shack." She pointed at a small triangle near the middle of the map. The two boys peered at it.

"... That says 'The Murder Hut'." Norman observed. 

"Really?" She took a closer look. "Huh, that's interesting."

After a few moments of searching, Dipper found it. 

"That's not too far," Dipper said, "If this map is accurate, that is."

"Good!" Mabel said, "Then you can take Norman home and I can start dinner."

"Take me home?"

"Yeah, we got a golf cart. It's brand new!"

"That's... thanks, but you guys don't have to-"

"Nonsense! We're not gonna make you walk, it'll be dark soon."

"But, Mabel," Dipper said, "you don't have to stay. And also, you don't cook."

"Yes and yes, but, I think you guys are overdue for a little 'bro-time', dontcha think?" Mabel said, winking at Dipper. Then, without waiting for a protest, she got up and walked out of the room.

"I guess we have no choice," Norman said, sheepishly smiling at Dipper.

Dipper chuckled. "I guess not. I'll get the keys."


Several minutes later, Dipper and Norman were bumbling along through the evening in the golf cart. The sun was behind the trees already, casting a mellow light across the sky and forest. A warm breeze was passing through the trees, causing them to rustle loudly ever so often. However, the beauty of the evening was lost on Dipper and Norman. They were a bit distracted. The two hadn't spoken since they left the house, and the situation was getting more awkward by the second. Dipper's grip was tight around the steering wheel while Norman was intentionally looking away towards the passing woods. Both desperately wanted to start a conversation to break the tension between them, but neither knew what to say. Both were convinced that the other didn't like them for whatever reason, but neither could think of a way to break the ice. That is, until Dipper decided to go for broke. 

"Hey, Norman."

Norman was relieved that he didn't have to speak first. "Yes?"

"You don't..." Dipper was suddenly embarrassed. It felt like a stupid question, but he already had Norman's attention, so he continued.

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