Rising Tension

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Dipper ran through the house with Norman in tow, making twists and turns until reaching the staircase and dashing up. They stopped to find Mabel sanding there, potato launcher slung over her shoulder and sporting a annoyed frown. 

"What happened?" Dipper asked.

"Dropped it on ma foot." Mabel said. "This is not my morning."

"Yeah, well, it isn't ours, either."

"So," continued Mabel, "I guess things went south pretty quick, huh?"

"No, actually. He didn't see us, and he was super passive at first, but he went all red and angry when he heard you. We had to make a break for it."

"Well, fear not, dearest brother," exclaimed Mabel, a grin spreading across her face. She swung the potato launcher around and held it in her hands. "With this, no ghost stands a chance!"

"Um, guys?" Norman said, looking down the stairs, "I think our problems have escalated."

The twins joined Norman and stared down. 

"Ah, jeez..."

The entire lower floor was covered in a deep brown, boiling liquid. It frothed and sloshed at the walls and staircase, wisps of steam rising from its bubbling surface. 

"Is that... coffee?" Dipper asked.

"A lot of coffee." Norman responded.

"That must be, like, a bajillion gallons!"

"The ghost is probably trying to flush us out since he can't find us. Thank god for Dan's obscure architecture." 

"It's only gonna be a matter of time before he finds us, though," Mabel chimed, "This house is weird, but it isn't that big."

"So, what do we do? Wait it out?" Norman asked. 

"Don't think we can," Dipper said, looking down the stairs. "The coffee is rising." The others glanced below. Indeed, the coffee flood was rising. At first, only the first step was barely covered by the liquid, but it had been slowly creeping up the second. 

"Okay, time to make a plan." Dipper turned to his companions. "Mabel, Norman, one of us is gonna have to go down there."

"You mean into the boiling coffee?" Mabel exclaimed.

"Yes, but don't worry. Something tells me there's more to this. I think it's just an illusion, like from Mabel's sweater. The stain is gone now, right?"

"Yeah, but that was a stain. This is a whole floor of boiling coffee! I really doesn't look like an illusion, Dipper."

"Well, if it was real, don't you think the house would stink of coffee by now? And besides, we're not going." Dipper smiled the boy who had been standing silently for the last few minutes, "Norman is."

"W-what?" Norman stammered. "I am?"

"Yup. I think your ability to see ghosts gives you some kind of defense against their power. Like with Mabel's sweater. You erased the stain like it wasn't even there, while we could only rub it out. You could take the Catch-a-Ghost, wade through the coffee unharmed, find the ghost, and potato him."

"Well, maybe, but - like Mabel said - that was just a stain."

"Yeah," Mabel added, "And, plus, that sounds super dangerous."

"It's either that or we find out when we're swimming in boiling coffee, or when the ghost finds us and drowns us faster. 

Norman looked at the broiling floor below and frowned. "We don't even know if your theory is correct. Maybe we're all immune to this, we just had to figure out that it was an illusion, and it won't affect us anymore."

"Fine, then we all go down. But, if I'm right, then you're our only hope."

"And if you're wrong?"

"Then this will be easier than we thought."

The three lined up - Norman in front, Dipper second, and Mabel at the rear. The coffee level covered the second step now, and was still rising.

"Well," Dipper said when they were halfway down the stairs, "It certainly does feel hot."

"Yup." Mabel agreed.

"Do you feel it, Norman?"

"Uh... not yet."

They stopped two steps above the coffee's current level and stopped. The steam rose and wafted around them, warming the air. 

"Yeah, it's definitely boiling." Dipper said, taking of his cap to wipe his brow. "Can you feel it Mabel?"

"Yeah, and it is hot, geez.

"You, Norman?"

The boy sighed. "No, I can't. It feels normal."

"Well, then, I guess that settles it, right?"

Norman frowned at Dipper, who gave a smug grin. "Oh, just give me the potato launcher."

"It's not a potato launcher!" Mabel said, handing it to Dipper who handed it to Norman, "It's the Catch-a-Ghost 3000!"

"How do I work this?"

"It's simple. You just stick a ghost potato into the nozzle, aim, and pull the trigger. Here." Mabel reached into the satchel at her side and pulled out three pierced potatoes. "I'm giving you three just in case. It should only take one. And, be careful, the quills are sharp!"

Norman took the potatoes from Mabel via Dipper and stuffed them into his pockets. "Thanks, I guess."

"Ready?" Dipper said, grinning again.

"As much as I'll ever be."

"Come on, Normy, you got this!"

"Ok," Norman sighed. He took a deep breath and stepped into the boiling hot coffee.

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