Chapter 4

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Matty stopped leaning in.

'are you sure you're okay with this? I mean...I've wanted to give you a kiss the whole time we've been here, but I never know when the right time to make a move is...we can just, forget about t-' I was in a daydream staring at his eyes, but I somehow had managed to lift both my hands up and cup them around his neck gently. He stopped talking completely, and there was another slight moment of silence.

He looked down at the bed and I leaned into him completely, he had stopped leaning so I was further towards him, I thought I was going to lose my balance and face plant his crotch, but luckily, I didn't. My grip on his neck was keeping me upright. I shuffled myself closer to him so I wasn't leaning so far. I removed one hand from his neck and put it up to his chin, where I lifted his head up, his eyes were still focused on the bed. I ran my thumb over his lips, and just before he looked up, I went in for the kill.

Our lips touched, and everything around us seemed to have disappeared. I've never felt a kiss like this. Maybe it was more like a fairytale kiss because I'm a huge fan of him, and his music. Or maybe I genuinely did like him, for him.
I felt his hands rest on my crossed legs, and he held onto my knees. We were deeply kissing and it felt so intense. His lips tasted like cigarettes, I loved it. I just wanted to rip his clothes off and kiss him all over. but that would have been indecent of me, since he's been nothing but a gentleman towards me.

He stopped, leaned back and inhaled hard.

I was still slightly leaning forward, still with my eyes closed. What did I do wrong? why did he pull away? well, to be fair, I guess someone has to pull away sometime, it can't go on forever....
although I wish it did.

'That was, really nice. You have lips that are perfect for the most sensational kisses, it was incredible.' Doesn't he know by now that his compliments make me blush like there's no tomorrow? I didn't even know how to react this time. I just thanked him, and said i could have stayed like that forever if it was possible.

Silence, again. Matty released his grip from my knees and I had decided to lay down again while he rolled a joint.
'Maybe I could put a movie on for a while, you can come and sit in my arms while I roll this.' I honestly wanted to save a movie for later.
'Maybe we can just talk for a while, and watch the movie after we've come back in. But I'll definitely take the cuddle offer.'
He picked up his grinder and baggy off his lap and pulled me onto him. I could tell he wouldn't be able to roll while I'm sitting like this.
'uncross your legs.' he did so. I sat myself between his legs and laid down so the back of my head was on his crotch.
'You can use my chest as a table.' I kinda made myself chuckle a little bit, and he looked down and chuckled, too. He put the grinder on my chest, and ran his fingers through his hair, pulling it all back.
'I like this idea.' he released his hair, and some of it fell back into his face, but he left it how it was. Even upside down, he looked like absolute perfection. He twiddled my hair through his fingers for a while, smiling directly at me, before beginning to roll the joint. I don't remember what he did from here onwards, I didn't watch him roll, I stared at his face the whole time. The concentration on his face was adorable. I kinda get what he means now, when he says he finds it cute when people look focused, the proof was right in front of me.

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