Chapter 6

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I had woken up. we were outside when I passed out but I was inside, in the bed under the duvet with Matty's arms wrapped comfortably around me. I didn't want to wake him up, he looks so precious while he sleeps. I wondered my eyes around the room until I caught sight of a clock on the wall. 8.14am. That was pretty early for me, I am one for having a decent lay in pretty much everyday without fail.

Matty inhaled deeply and rolled over into his side, facing me and putting his arm over my chest, I was laying on my back by now. I saw one of his eyes open slightly, and he pulled a little smile, before completely shutting his eye and drifted back off to sleep. I could tell he was because the smile slowly turned into a neutral expression as his muscles relaxed.

I wanted to go back to sleep as soon as possible in case I fidgeted too much and woke matty up, so I slowly, and I mean SLOWLY, rolled onto my side so we were spooning, and lightly grabbed his hand and put it on my stomach. I felt him squeeze his body against mine slightly and inhale deeply again. I wasn't sure if he had woken up or not, since I couldn't see his face. I felt a little fidget from his side, and he ran his hand over my stomach, just over my breast, onto my chest where my heart is. He clenched his hand on my shirt and breathed down my neck, before kissing it a few times. This gave me goosebumps, but I still wasn't sure if he was 100% awake or not. He made a slight sighing and groaning noise, before releasing his grip again and his hand naturally slid down to my side. I was insanely comfortable. His body felt a perfect temperature against mine, I'm always cold to the touch, but he was almost giving me his warmth, I could feel his body heat warming me up, with the help of the duvet, of course.

Before I knew it I was waking up again, I flickered my eyelids and stretched my arms above my head a little, trying to not knock against matty. I turned my head behind me and saw he was laying on his back with his eyes closed, and his hands on his chest. I turned around to face him and pulled myself closer to him. His eyes suddenly shot open and he faced me.

'good morning, beautiful,' he said, lifting my head onto his chest and running his fingers through my hair. 'How did you sleep?' I heard what he said, but right now I was more interested in knowing the time. I fluttered my eyes over to the clock. 10:17am. that was more like it.

'I slept well, and yourself?' he looked down at me and smiled.

'I slept perfectly, thank you petal.' I looked up to him and he was still staring, so I smiled. He ran one finger over my forehead to move my fringe out of the way. I blushed slightly.

'You look beautiful when you blush. How do you do it? You look beautiful when you're focused, stoned, exhaling smoke, blushing, everything. You're just overall incredible. I- I mean I'm sorry if this all seems too weird and too soon but,' he paused. He looked at my eyes, then to my hair, then stared at my arm which was around his stomach. 'I just find you incredibly beautiful, and I cant keep it in. Something inside me wants you to know it.' I didn't really know how to react, but I blushed again.

'you don't believe me, do you? you don't believe that I think you're beautiful. Darling, ' he paused again to take a deep breath. 'you have just woken up, with no makeup, in just a shirt and you still look as incredible as you did last night.' Last night I'm assuming he was referring to when I had makeup on and was in a relatively nice outfit.

By now the whole shock of who he was and me being in his presence had passed. it felt more like a personal thing, now. I genuinely felt I was falling in love with him.

'so what happened last night?' I asked.

'Nothing much really. I was talking to you and you passed out, so I just sat on the bench in the dark watching the stars, and watching the clouds move around. it was nice.' This seemed really sweet. I guess it was okay for me to pass out in his arms because it would have shown I was comfortable, although it probably would have been better if I hadn't passed out mid conversation. Not like I could have stopped myself, I guess!

'what happened after that?'

'I got bored of staring at the stars, so I picked you up in the duvet and brought you inside, and tucked you into bed.'

'what did you do while I was in bed alone?'

'I went and said hey to the lads, they'd just come back. After that, I finished off my beer and hopped into bed. You were still completely passed out, so I kissed your cheek, said goodnight and fell asleep by your side.'

'sounds perfect.'

'it was.' he whispered, tucking my fringe behind my ear and kissing my forehead.

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