Chapter one

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Finn and Rachel have been a friend for the longest time. It started all in preschool. Finn was best friends with Puck and Rachel was friends with Kurt and Santana. Anyways, Rachel, Kurt, and Santana were playing tag while Puck (also known as Noah) and Finn were running around the playground. Rachel was running away from Santana while Finn was running towards Rachel's direction. Finn ran right into Rachel causing her to fall right onto her head.

"Are you okay," asked Finn
"Yea I should be. Rachel told him wiping away her tears that fell when she hit her head.

"I'm Finn ".he told Rachel
"I'm Rachel".She told him
"Do you wanna be my friend."Asked Finn
"Yeah sure." Replied Rachel
Ever since that day Finn and Rachel have been best friends. End of 8th grade Rachel met this guy named Jessie that Finn doesn't really like at all I mean Finn hated this guy. Finn and Jessie always fought and that put a lot of pressure on Rachel because she would always have to choose between Finn and Jessie. It calmed down a little when Finn met
Quinn but he still didn't like Jessie. Finn and Quinn started dating freshman year. Quinn is jealous of Rachel because of Finn and Rachel's friendship. They are now jr.s in high school and Rachel and Jessie are still dating and so is Finn and Quinn. Rachel and Finn are still best friends they just don't really hang out as much they just fell in different clicks. Finn is in the "popular" click he is Also the quarterback for the football team. Rachel is a broadway diva alongside Kurt and there in the glee club. They didn't know what was going to happen in the future but they planned on staying friends for a long time
Hey, guys, this is my first story so excuse the bad grammar and thank you for reading and please vote. Thank you for reading

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